Documentation forIP Address Manager
Managing IP addresses is a key capability of Hybrid Cloud Observability and is also available in a standalone module, IP Address Manager (IPAM). Hybrid Cloud Observability and IPAM are built on the self-hosted SolarWinds Platform.

Troubleshooting DHCP and DNS connections in IPAM

Problem Description Resolution

Bad username or password

This error may occur when the valid user account on the SolarWinds host has no meaning to the DHCP Server or when the provided password is not correct on the DHCP Server.

  • Verify the account used is valid on the DHCP Server.
  • Verify that the provided account and password is both identical and functional on both the SolarWinds host and DHCP Server.

The RPC Server is Unavailable

This error may occur when the DHCP Server is unable to receive or respond to RPC Requests.

  • Verify that there is no firewall preventing the SolarWinds host from performing RPC calls by checking with Administrator accounts that Windows file sharing is possible. An alternate way to verify is a telnet to the IP address provided in the SolarWinds node on port 445.
  • If this occurs intermittently, verify that the DHCP server has enough client access licenses.
Insufficient permissions Insufficient permissions
  • Verify that the provided user account is part of the DHCP Users group in the DHCP Server.
  • For Cisco DHCP, verify the requirements on Cisco DHCP device for SolarWinds IPAM.

BIND Credential fails using ssh or telnet option

When adding a DNS Bind, in the BIND Credential option there is a space in the Credential name. For example:

Credential Name: Bind 1

Username: root

Password: 1234

Remove the space in the 'Credential Name' (should be Bind1)

BIND DNS on AIX Symptom: Bind is not running error when testing the connection to implement BIND DNS Mgmt and add an AIX 6.1 Bind9 based DNS Server

When the named-V and ps -A -o comm,pid,args | grep ^named commands are issued and parsing returns a value that does not match the criteria, the application is not enabled: named9 vs named

Perform a manual configuration of the config file by renaming the file from named9 to named.

IPAM BIND Requirements

  • User account needs to be configured to allow remote telnet or SSH access to BIND machine.
  • Read and write file access is required for all BIND configuration files.
    • /etc/named.conf, and all included files
    • all zone data files
  • Read and write access to system temp directory /tmp
  • IPAM utilizes both standard Linux commands (POSIX) and BIND specific commands that are required for IPAM BIND management functionality:
    if [ -r "filepath" ] ; then echo 'true'; else echo 'false'; fi
    if [ -w "filepath" ] ; then echo 'true'; else echo 'false'; fi
    if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then echo 'true'; else echo 'false'; fi