Documentation forTask Factory

Task Factory Functions List M-N


Description Creates a date based on the parameters passed into the function.
Syntax MakeDateTime(Year, Month, Day [, Hour] [, Minute] [, Second] [, Millisecond])
Returns returns date
Name Optional Description
Year false Year of the date being created
Month false Month of the date being created
Day false Day of the date being created
Hour false Hour of the date being created
Minute false Minute of the date being created
Second false Second of the date being created
Millisecond false Millisecond of the date being created
MakeDateTime("2012", "07", "07"), MakeDateTime("2012", "07", "07", "12", "30", "45", "001")

Max (Date)

Description Aggregation that returns max date the group. Can only be used as part of the Advanced Aggregation component
Syntax Max( Value [, Condition])
Returns Date.
Name Optional Description
Value false The value to add to the aggregation
Condition false The condition allows you to conditionally add values to the aggregation based on the expression. For instance, you could define the aggregate as Max(SalesDate, CustomerState="FL") and this would only add the value to the aggregation if the customers state was florida.
Max(SalesDate), Max(SalesDate, CustomerState="FL")

Max (Number)

Description Aggregation that returns max number the group. Can only be used as part of the Advanced Aggregation component
Syntax Max( Value [, Condition])
Returns Integer.
Name Optional Description
Value false The value to add to the aggregation
Condition false The condition allows you to conditionally add values to the aggregation based on the expression. For instance, you could define the aggregate as Max(SalesTotal, CustomerState="FL") and this would only add the value to the aggregation if the customers state was florida.
Max(SalesTotal), Max(SalesTotal, CustomerState="FL")

Max (String)

Description Aggregation that returns max string the group. The value is based on the ascii value of the string. Can only be used as part of the Advanced Aggregation component
Syntax Max( Value [, Condition])
Returns String
Name Optional Description
Value false The value to add to the aggregation
Condition false The condition allows you to conditionally add values to the aggregation based on the expression. For instance, you could define the aggregate as Max(CustomerAlternateKey, CustomerState="FL") and this would only add the value to the aggregation if the customers state was florida.
Max(CustomerAlternateKey), Max(CustomerAlternateKey, CustomerState="FL")


Description Calculates the checksum of the input value. The function uses Message-Digest algorithm 5 (MD5). MD5 is a one- way cryptographic hash function with a 128-bit hash value. You can conclude that input values are different when the checksums of the input values are different. Use MD5 to verify data integrity.
Syntax MD5( Value )
Returns Unique 32-character string of hexadecimal digits 0-9 and a-f. NULL if the input is a null value.
Name Optional Description
Value false String or Binary datatype. Value for which you want to calculate checksum. The case of the input value affects the return value. For example, MD5(ssis) and MD5(SSIS) return different values.
MD5("secure this")


Description Displays a MessageBox with a message (Only works in BIDS / SQL Server Data Tools). Used for debugging purposes during design time.
Syntax MessageBox(Message [, Condition])
Returns Nothing
Name Optional Description
Message false The message to display.
Condition true The condition to evaluate to true before display the MessageBox
MessageBox("This is a message"), MessageBox("Values didn't match", value1!=value2)]


Description Returns the MilliSecond from the date specified.
Syntax MilliSecond( Date )
Returns returns integer value of 0 - 999
Name Optional Description
Date false Date to retrieve MilliSecond from
MilliSecond("12/8/2011"), MilliSecond(varDate), MilliSecond(OrderDateColumn)

Min (Date)

Description Aggregation that returns Min date the group. Can only be used as part of the Advanced Aggregation component
Syntax Min( Value [, Condition])
Returns Date.
Name Optional Description
Value false The value to add to the aggregation
Condition false The condition allows you to conditionally add values to the aggregation based on the expression. For instance, you could define the aggregate as Min(SalesDate, CustomerState="FL") and this would only add the value to the aggregation if the customers state was florida.
Min(SalesDate), Min(SalesDate, CustomerState="FL")

Min (Number)

Description Aggregation that returns Min number the group. Can only be used as part of the Advanced Aggregation component
Syntax Min( Value [, Condition])
Returns Integer.
Name Optional Description
Value false The value to add to the aggregation
Condition false The condition allows you to conditionally add values to the aggregation based on the expression. For instance, you could define the aggregate as Min(SalesTotal, CustomerState="FL") and this would only add the value to the aggregation if the customers state was florida.
Min(SalesTotal), Min(SalesTotal, CustomerState="FL")

Min (String)

Description Aggregation that returns Min string the group. The value is based on the ascii value of the string. Can only be used as part of the Advanced Aggregation component
Syntax Min( Value [, Condition])
Returns String
Name Optional Description
Value false The value to add to the aggregation
Condition false The condition allows you to conditionally add values to the aggregation based on the expression. For instance, you could define the aggregate as Min(CustomerAlternateKey, CustomerState="FL") and this would only add the value to the aggregation if the customers state was florida.
Min(CustomerAlternateKey), Min(CustomerAlternateKey, CustomerState="FL")


Description Returns the Minute from the date specified.
Syntax Minute( Date )
Returns returns integer value of 0 - 59
Name Optional Description
Date false Date to retrieve Minute from
Minute("12/8/2011"), Minute(varDate), Minute(OrderDateColumn)


Description Divides two numbers and returns the remainder.
Syntax Mod( Value1, Value2 )
Returns Numeric
Name Optional Description
Value1 false The first number in the equation.
Value2 false The second number in the equation.
Mod(10, 3)


Description Returns the Month from the date specified.
Syntax Month( Date )
Returns returns integer value of 1 - 12
Name Optional Description
Date false Date to retrieve Month from
Month("12/8/2011"), Month(varDate), Month(OrderDateColumn)


Description Returns the name of the Month (MonMonth, TuesMonth, etc) from the date specified.
Syntax MonthName( Date )
Returns returns string. Name of the Month
Name Optional Description
Date false Date to retrieve Month name from
return_shortname false Return the short name of the Month (Jan, Feb, Mar)
MonthName("12/8/2011", false), MonthName(varDate, True), MonthName(OrderDateColumn, false)


Description Returns the current date and time.
Syntax Now()
Returns Date


Description Compares two string values for equality and returns null if they match.
Syntax NullIf( String_Value1, String_Value2 )
Returns Null if "String_Value1" or "String_Value2" is null. Returns value of "String_Value1" if "String_Value2" and "string_value2" do not match..
Name Optional Description
String_Value1 false Any string value. If the values do not match, this value is returned from the function.
String_Value2 false Any string value.
NullIf(CompanyNameColumn, ""), NullIf(AddressColumnLine2, "")


Description Checks a string value for an empty value. If the string value is empty a null value is returned.
Syntax NullIfEmpty( String_Value )
Returns Null if "String_Value" is empty. Returns value of "String_Value" if the value is not empty.
Name Optional Description
String_Value false Any string value.
NullIfEmpty(CompanyNameColumn), NullIfEmpty(varValue)