Documentation forTask Factory
Users on Task Factory version 2021.18 or earlier should upgrade to the latest version by April 30, 2025 to avoid service disruptions. See the Task Factory announcement.

Task Factory Data Validation Transform

Data Validation Transform

Transform Icon Transform Description
Task Factory Data Validation Transform Icon The Data Validation Transform validates data from an SSIS source by using regular expressions defined in the UI.

Options Tab

Task Factory Data Validation Transform Input Columns/Expressions

Option Description
Column Contains the column name of the input source column.
Expression This contains the name of the expression used to validate the data in that source column if validation is added to it.
Buttons Column This column contains the buttons used to Add, Edit, or Delete the expression. Edit and Delete are only available if validation has been added to the column.

Input Columns / Expressions

Task Factory Data Validation Transfrom Options

Regular Expression Options

Option Description
Ignore Case This prevents distinguishing between upper and lowercase string values.
Ignore Whitespace This ignores unescaped whitespace.
Culture Invariant Specifies that cultural differences in language are ignored.
Multiline This changes the meaning of and $ so they match at the beginning and end of any line and not just the string.
Singleline Changes the meaning of . (period) so it matches every character.

Adding / Editing / Deleting Validation

To add validation to a column, select the button in the far right column of the Input Columns / Expressions tab. This opens the Regular Expression editor.

Regular Expression Editor UI Overview

Task Factory Data Validation Regular Expression Editor

The Regular Expression Editor is used to create, edit, and test regular expressions that can be used to validate your data.

Option Description
Expressions Library
  • Expressions List - The expressions list contains all of the expressions that are part of your library.
  • Matches / Non-Matches - The text boxes show an example of what will or won't match the expression.
Regular Expression Textbox This textbox shows the currently selected expression from the expressions list.
Test Expression Text Here you can test the currently selected expression by adding text. Enter each value you want to test on a new line, and then select Test Expression to display the results.

Regular Expression Library Toolbar

There are three options on the toolbar:

Toolbar Option Description

Task Factory Data Validation Transform Add Expression button
Add an expression.

Task Factory Data Validation Transform Edit Expression button
Edit an expression.

Task Factory Data Validation Transform Delete Expression button
Delete an expression.

Selecting Add or Edit Expression opens a similar window. Selecting Add Expression opens the Add New Expression window, which is blank, allowing you to input your own values.

Task Factory Add New Expression

Selecting Edit Expression opens the Edit Expression window, which has the same fields, just populated with the current rules.

Task Factory Edit Expression