Documentation forTask Factory
Users on Task Factory version 2021.18 or earlier should upgrade to the latest version by April 30, 2025 to avoid service disruptions. See the Task Factory announcement.

Task Factory Functions List A-C


Description Stops the dataflow and issues a specified error message to the dataflow log file.
Syntax ABORT( String_Message [, Condition] )
Returns NULL
Name Optional Description
String_Message false The message you want to display in the dataflow log file when the dataflow stops. The string can be any length and you can enter any valid transformation expression.
Condition false (Optional) The conditional expression in which the data flow should be aborted.
Abort("Processing aborted"), Abort("Zero Length Detected In Name", Length(FirstName) = 0)


Description Returns the absolute value of a numeric value
Syntax ABS( [Numeric_Value] )
Returns Positive Numeric value. ABS returns the same datatype as the numeric value passed in as an argument, can be NULL.
Name Optional Description
Numeric_Value false Passes the values for which you want to return the absolute values. You can enter any valid transformation expression.


Description Returns the angle whose cosine is the specified number.
Syntax ACOS( Numeric_Value )
Returns Double value. NULL if a value passed to the function is NULL.
Name Optional Description
Numeric_Value false Numeric datatype. A number representing a cosine, where number_value must be greater than or equal to -1, but less than or equal to 1. You can enter any valid task editor.
Acos(0.5), Acos(varValue)


Description Returns a specified date with the specified number interval (integer) added to a specified datepart of that date. If you add or subtract value for specified datepart.
Syntax AddToDate( Date, Format, Amount)
Returns Returns modified date.
Name Optional Description
Date false valid datetime value or expression
Format false Valid string format or expression for datepart you want to add/subtract. Supported format values are as below Year Format => Y, YYY, YY, YYYY Month Format => M, MM, MON, MONTH Day Format => D, DD, DDD, DY, DAY Hour Format => H, HH, HH12, HH24 Minute Format => MI, N Second Format => S, SS Milisecond Format => MS
Amount false Any valid integer value or expression specifying number of Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second or Milisecond. If you supply positive value then it will perform add else it will do subtract.
AddToDate( ORDER_DATE, 'DD', 3 ) //Adds 3 days to ORDER_DATE and return new datetime AddToDate( ORDER_DATE, 'HH', 14 ) //Adds 14 hours to ORDER_DATE and return new datetime AddToDate( ORDER_DATE, 'MM', -5 ) //Subtract 5 months from ORDER_DATE and return new datetime AddToDate( ORDER_DATE, 'YYYY', 1 ) //Add one year to supplied ORDER_DATE and return new datetime


Description Returns decrypted data to string format using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm with 128-bit encoding.
Syntax AesDecrypt( Value, Key )
Returns Returns a decrypted binary value that can be NULL if the input value is a null value.
Name Optional Description
Value false The Binary datatype you wish to decrypt.
Key false The String of precision 16 characters or fewer that was originally used to encrypt the value. You can use mapping variables for the key.
AesDecrypt(varEncryptedData, "key-value-1234"), AesDecrypt(EncryptedValueColumn, "key-value-1234"), AesDecrypt(FileReadAllText("C:\data\encrypted.txt"), "key-value-1234")


Description Returns data in encrypted format using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm with 128-bit encoding.
Syntax AesEncrypt( Value, Key )
Returns Returns an encrypted binary value that can be NULL if the input is a null value.
Name Optional Description
Value false The String value you wish to encrypt.
Key false The String of precision 16 characters or fewer that will be used to encrypt the value. You can use mapping variables for the key.
AesEncrypt("Encrypt this value", "key-value-1234"), AesEncrypt(PasswordColumn, "key-value-1234"), AesEncrypt(FileReadAllText("C:\data\unencrypted.txt"), "key-value-1234")


Description Returns the angle whose sine is the specified number..
Syntax Asin( Numeric_Value )
Returns Double value. NULL if a value passed to the function is NULL.
Name Optional Description
Numeric_Value false Numeric datatype. A number representing a sine, where number_value must be greater than or equal to -1, but less than or equal to 1. You can enter any valid task editor.


Description Returns the angle whose tangent is the specified number.
Syntax Atan( Numeric_Value )
Returns Numeric
Name Optional Description
Numeric_Value false Passes the values for which you want to the Atan of


Description Aggregation that calculates the average of all values. Can only be used as part of the Advanced Aggregation component
Syntax Avg( Value [, Condition])
Returns Double.
Name Optional Description
Value false The value to add to the aggregation
Condition false The condition allows you to conditionally add values to the aggregation based on the expression. For instance, you could define the aggregate as Avg(SalesTotal, CustomerState="FL") and this would only add the value to the aggregation if the customers state was florida.
Avg(SalesTotal), Avg(SalesTotal, CustomerState="FL")


Description Converts a binary value to an decimal value.
Syntax BinToDecimal( Value )
Returns Decimal
Name Optional Description
Value false The binary value to convert.


Description Converts a binary value to an hexadecimal value.
Syntax BinToHex( Value )
Returns Decimal
Name Optional Description
Value false The binary value to convert.


Description Converts a binary value to an octal value.
Syntax BinToOct( Value )
Returns Decimal
Name Optional Description
Value false The binary value to convert.


Description Returns the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to the numeric value passed to this function.
Syntax Ceiling( Numeric_Value )
Returns Returns an integer if you pass a numeric value with declared precision between 0 and 28, otherwise it returns a Double. NULL values will return a NULL.
Name Optional Description
Numeric_Value false Must be a numeric datatype. You can enter any valid transformation expression.


Description Chooses a string from a list of strings based on a given position. You specify the position and the value. If the value matches the position, the Integration Service returns the value. You can either pass in comma delimeted static values or pass in a variable or column with delimeted values
Syntax Choose( Index, String1 [, String2, ..., StringN] ), Choose( Index, Delimeted_String [, Delimeter_Value=","])
Returns The string that matches the position of the index value. NULL if no string matches the position of the index value.
Name Optional Description
Index false Numeric datatype. Enter a number based on the position of the value you want to match.
String false Any character value.
Choose(1, "SentryOne, 4001 Yancey Road, Charlotte, NC") - Will return "SentryOne"
Choose(1, varPipeDelimetedAddress, "|")


Description CHR returns the ASCII character corresponding to the numeric value you pass to this function. ASCII values fall in the range 0 to 255. You can pass any integer to CHR, but only ASCII codes 32 to 126 are printable characters.
Syntax CHR( Numeric_Value )
Returns ASCII or Unicode character. A string containing one character. NULL if a value passed to the function is NULL.
Name Optional Description
Numeric_Value false Numeric datatype. The value you want to return as an ASCII or Unicode character. You can enter any valid transformation expression.
Chr(65), Chr(varCharacterValue)


Description ChrCode returns the numeric ASCII value of the first character of the string passed to the function. ASCII values fall in the range 0 to 255.
Syntax ChrCode ( String )
Returns ASCII or Unicode character. A string containing one character. NULL if a value passed to the function is NULL.
Name Optional Description
String false Character string. Passes the values you want to return as ASCII or Unicode values. You can enter any valid task editor.
ChrCode("A"), ChrCode("?")


Description Concatenates two strings.
Syntax CONCAT( First_String, Second_String )
Returns String. NULL if both string values are NULL. Nulls If one of the strings is NULL, CONCAT ignores it and returns the other string. If both strings are NULL, CONCAT returns NULL.
Name Optional Description
First_String false Any datatype except Binary. The first part of the string you want to concatenate. You can enter any valid task editor.
Second_String false Any datatype except Binary. The second part of the string you want to concatenate. You can enter any valid task editor.
Concat("Sentry", " ", "One"), Concat(FirstNameColumn, " ", LastNameColumn)


Description Converts a integer base from one to another.
Syntax ConvertBase( Value, From_Base, To_Base )
Returns Integer.
Name Optional Description
Value false The value to change the base of.
From_Base false The existing base of the integer. Valid values are 2, 8, 10, 16
To_Base false The new base of the integer. Valid values are 2, 8, 10, 16
ConvertBase("1234", 10, 2)


Description Returns the cosine of a numeric value (expressed in radians).
Syntax Cos( Numeric_Value )
Returns Double value. NULL if a value passed to the function is NULL.
Name Optional Description
Numeric_Value false Numeric datatype. Numeric data expressed in radians (degrees multiplied by pi divided by 180). Passes the values for which you want to calculate a cosine. You can enter any valid task editor.
Cos(10), Cos(varValue)


Description Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a numeric value (expressed in radians).
Syntax Cosh( Numeric_Value )
Returns Double value. NULL if a value passed to the function is NULL.
Name Optional Description
Numeric_Value false Numeric datatype. Numeric data expressed in radians (degrees multiplied by pi divided by 180). Passes the values for which you want to calculate the hyperbolic cosine. You can enter any valid task editor.
Cosh(10), Cosh(varValue)

Count (*)

Description Aggregation that calculates the total number based on the grouping. Can only be used as part of the Advanced Aggregation component
Syntax Count( Value [, Condition])
Returns Integer.
Name Optional Description
Value false The value to add to the aggregation
Condition false The condition allows you to conditionally add values to the aggregation based on the expression. For instance, you could define the aggregate as Count(*, CustomerState="FL") and this would only add the value to the aggregation if the customers state was florida.
Count(*), Count(*, CustomerState="FL")

Count (column name)

Description Aggregation that calculates the total number based on the grouping. Can only be used as part of the Advanced Aggregation component
Syntax Count( Column_Name [, Condition])
Returns Integer.
Name Optional Description
Column_Name false The column to retrieve the value of to add to the aggregation
Condition false The condition allows you to conditionally add values to the aggregation based on the expression. For instance, you could define the aggregate as Count(CustomerID, CustomerState="FL") and this would only add the value to the aggregation if the customers state was florida.
Count(CustomerID), Count(CustomerID, CustomerState="FL")