Task Factory Amazon
AmazonS3 Rest Connection Manager
Connection Properties
Used with the AmazonS3 Rest Source and AmazonS3 Rest Destination.
Option | Description |
Access Key ID | The Access Key ID provided by Amazon Web Services to connect to the desired container. |
Access Key | The Access Key provided by Amazon Web Services. |
Proxy Configuration
Option | Description |
Proxy Host | Identifies the proxy address. |
Proxy Port | Identifies the port used by the proxy. |
Proxy User Name | Enter the user name for proxies that require user authentication. |
Proxy Password | Enter the password for proxies that require user authentication. |
AmazonS3 Rest Source
Begin by creating a connection manager that connects to the service's storage container.
The following formats are available:
Delimited Format
Users can manually configure the delimiter, quote identifiers, the lines to skip, and lines to scan. Select Detect Formats to configure these fields automatically.
Option | Description |
Delimiter | Identifies the character that separates columns. The default value is the comma (,). |
Quote | Identifies the character used to indicate a value (if present). |
Lines To Skip | Users can designate the number of lines to skip at the beginning of the delimited file. |
Auto | Automatically detects which lines to skip. |
Lines To Scan | Determines the number of lines to scan when detecting the file. |
Detect Formats | Select this button to begin scanning the chosen file. |
Detected Delimited View - After the format is detected, a new view appears that allows users to configure or change different properties of the file.
Json Format
Option | Description |
Root Json Path | JSON queries can return multiple levels, therefore, this field Identifies the root to be used. |
Output Columns | In this window, users can add and remove columns, define their name, token path (defined within the raw data), data type, length, precision, scale, and code page. |
Date Parse Handling | Specifies how date formatted strings are parsed when reading JSON text.
Date Time Zone Handling | Specifies how to treat time values converted between string and DateTime.
Float Parse Handling |
Specifies how floating point numbers are parsed.
XML Format
Option | Description |
Root XPath Query | Xml queries can return multiple levels, therefore, this field Identifies the root to be used. |
Namespaces: |
Columns | Users can create, remove, and configure the name, index (zero-based), data type, length, precision, and scale of the columns being extracted from the file. |
Output Columns
Users can select which columns to include/exclude in the output. Additionally, users can rename the columns by selecting into its corresponding output name.
Error Handling
Option | Description |
Not Used | Error handling is not used and no error constraint is available. |
Ignore Failure | All errors are ignored and the package continues to execute. |
Redirect Row | All error rows are directed to an error output. |
Fail Component | (Default selection) On error, the component fails and the package execution stops. |
Select Preview Data after configuring the previous tabs to view an output sample.
AmazonS3 Rest Destination
Begin by creating a connection manager that connects to an Amazon Storage container. After a connection manager is created, the source window populates with files and folders. Select the desired file to continue configuration.
Option | Description |
Target Item Name | Defines the name and extension of the file you would like to create when the component is executed. For example: MyNewXmlList.xml |
Delimited Format
Option | Description |
Delimiter | Identifies the character that separates text. |
Quote | Identifies the character (single or double quote) that indicates value. |
Include Header Row | Writes the column headers at the beginning of the document. |
Encoding | Selects which encoding is used to create the document. |
Culture | Used to identify the document's language culture. |
Json Array Format
Option | Description |
Generate | Select to automatically generate the Row Body metadata. Users can also add custom header and footer data. |
Encoding | Select which encoding is used to create the document. |
Culture | Used to identify the document's language culture. |
XML Array Format
Option | Description |
Generate | Select to automatically generate the Row Body metadata. (Users can also add custom header and footer data.) |
Encoding | Select which encoding is used to create the document. |
Culture | Used to identify the document's language culture. |