Documentation forTask Factory
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Task Factory Case Transform

Case Transform

Transform Icon Transform Description
Task Factory Case Transform Icon The Case and Standardization Transform is a transform that allows the user to format the case of source data using different styles of formatting.

Task Factory Case and Standardization Transform


In the Choose Action column, selecting on the <No Action> tag displays the choose action drop down menu.

Task Factory Choose Action menu


Note:  By default no action is selected. Selecting an action opens the parameter options.
Option Description
Convert string to proper case This action is used to transform the case of source data.

Output Action

The Case Transform has the two output options:

Option Description
Replace the column data with fixed data
Output the fixed data to a new output column If selected, the new output column name is inputcolumn_output. For example, if the source column name is FirstName, the output column is FirstName_output.


Note:  Parameters become available once an action is selected.
Option Description
Select the style table to use, when SimpleProperCase is selected then all other parameters are ignored.
Convert Irish Surnames
Set true or false to indicate whether or not to convert Irish surnames. ex. OHARA converts to O'Hara.
Use Typographic Apostrophe
Set this property true or false to indicate whether or not to use the typographic apostrophe in place of the standard apostrophe when converting Irish surnames.
Correct Common Misspell
Set this property true or false to indicate whether or not to correct common misspellings. ex. acn is corrected to can.
Alphanumeric Upper
Set this property true or false to indicate whether or not to convert alphanumeric data to all uppercase.
No Vowels Upper
Set this property true or false to indicate whether or not to convert alphabetic data containing no vowels to all uppercase. ex. mlk converts to MLK.
Ignore Mixed Case
Set this property true or false to indicate whether or not to convert mixed-case text. Use this setting to preserve existing mixed-case text. Text only converts when Text-In string is all uppercase or lowercase.
Additional Information:  See the Task Factory Error Row Handling article for more information about this functionality.