Documentation forTask Factory

Task Factory Functions List D-E


Description Compares two dates against each other.
Syntax DateCompare( Date1, Date2 )
Returns Integer. If Date1 is greater than Date2, 1 is returned. If Date1 equals Date2, 0 is returned. If Date1 is less than Date2, -1 is returned.
Name Optional Description
Date1 false The first date in the comparison.
Date2 false The second date in the comparison.
DateCompare("7/4/2012", "7/5/2012"), DateCompare(varStartDate, varEndDate), DateCompare(OrderDateColumn, StartDateColumn)


Description Returns the difference between two dates against each other.
Syntax DateDiff( Date1, Date2, Format )
Returns Integer. The difference based on datepart between the two days.
Name Optional Description
Date1 false The first date in the comparison.
Date2 false The second date in the comparison.
Format false The datepart tells the DateDiff what part of the date to compare. <br /> Year = "Y", "YY", "YYY", "YYYY"<br /> Day = "D", "DD", "DDD", "DY", "DAY"<br /> Month = "M", "MM", "MON", "MONTH"<br /> Hour = "H", "HH", "HH12", "HH24"<br /> Minute = "MI"<br /> Second = "S", "SS""<br /> Millisecond = "MS"<br /> Microsecond = ""US"<br /> Week Of Year = "W", "WW"<br /> Quarter = "Q", "QQ"
DateDiff("7/4/2012", "7/5/2012", "d"), DateDiff(varStartDate, varEndDate, "M"), DateDiff(OrderDateColumn, StartDateColumn, "H")


Description Returns the part of the date specified in the datepart parameter.
Syntax DatePart( Date, Date_Part )
Returns Object.
Name Optional Description
Date false The date used to retrieve the datepart from.
Date_Part false The datepart tells the DatePart what part of the date to retrieve. <br /> Year = "Y", "YY", "YYY", "YYYY"<br /> Day = "D", "DD", "DY", "DAY"<br /> Month = "M", "MM", "MON", "MONTH"<br /> Hour = "H", HH", "HH12", "HH24"<br /> Minute = "MI"<br /> Second = "SS""<br /> Millisecond = "MS"<br /> Microsecond = ""US"<br /> Day Of Week (1-7) = "WD","W" <br /> Week Of Year = "WW"<br /> Day Of Year = "DDD", "YD"<br /> Quarter = "Q"<br /> Julian Date = "J"
DatePart("7/4/2012", "d"), DatePart(varStartDate, "MM"), DatePart(OrderDateColumn, "HH")


Description Returns the Day from the date specified.
Syntax Day( Date )
Returns returns integer value of 1 - 31
Name Optional Description
Date false Date to retrieve day from
Day("12/8/2011"), Day(varDate), Day(OrderDateColumn)


Description Returns the Day of the week from the date specified.
Syntax Day_Of_Week( date )
Returns returns integer value of 1 - 7
Name Optional Description
Date false Date to retrieve day of week from
Day_Of_Week("12/8/2011"), Day_Of_Week(varDate), Day_Of_Week(OrderDateColumn)


Description Returns the name of the day (Monday, Tuesday, etc) from the date specified.
Syntax DayName( Date, Return_Shortname )
Returns returns string. Name of the day
Name Optional Description
Date false Date to retrieve day name from
Return_Shortname false Return the short name of the day (Mon, Tue, Wed)
DayName("12/8/2011", false), DayName(varDate, True), DayName(OrderDateColumn, false)


Description Returns the day of the year of the date specified.
Syntax DayOfYear( Date )
Returns returns integer value of 1 - 366
Name Optional Description
Date false Date to retrieve day of year from
DayOfYear("12/8/2011"), DayOfYear(varDate), DayOfYear(OrderDateColumn)


Description DD_DELETE is equivalent to the integer literal 2.


Description DD_INSERT is equivalent to the integer literal 0.


Description DD_REJECT is equivalent to the integer literal 3.


Description DD_INSERT is equivalent to the integer literal 1.


Description Decodes a base 64 encoded value and returns a string with the binary data representation of the data. If you encode data using EncBase64, and you want to decode data using DecBase64, you must run the decoding dataflow using the same data movement mode. Otherwise, the output of the decoded data may differ from the original data.
Syntax DecBase64( Value )
Returns Binary decoded value. NULL if the input is a null value. Return values differ if you run the dataflow in Unicode mode versus ASCII mode.
Name Optional Description
Value false String datatype. Data that you want to decode.
example goes here


Description Converts a decimal value to an binary value.
Syntax DecimalToBin( Value )
Returns String
Name Optional Description
value false The decimal value to convert.


Description Converts a decimal value to an hexadecimal value.
Syntax DecimalToHex( Value )
Returns String
Name Optional Description
Value false The decimal value to convert.


Description Converts a decimal value to an octal value.
Syntax DecimalToHex( Value )
Returns Int64
Name Optional Description
Value false The decimal value to convert.


Description Searches a string for a value you specify. If the function finds the value, it returns a result value, which you define. You can build an unlimited number of searches within a DECODE function.
Syntax DECODE( Value, First_Search, First_Result [, Second_Search, Second_Result]...[, Default] )
Returns First_result if the search finds a matching value. Default value if the search does not find a matching value. NULL if you omit the default argument and the search does not find a matching value. Even if multiple conditions are met, the Integration Service returns the first matching result. If the data contains multibyte characters and the DECODE expression compares string data, the return value depends on the code page and data movement mode of the Integration Service.
Name Optional Description
Value false Any datatype except Binary. Passes the values you want to search. You can enter any valid task editor.
Search false Any value with the same datatype as the value argument. Passes the values for which you want to search. The search value must match the value argument. You cannot search for a portion of a value. Also, the search value is case sensitive. For example, if you want to search for the string 'Halogen Flashlight' in a particular port, you must enter 'Halogen Flashlight, not just 'Halogen'. If you enter 'Halogen', the search does not find a matching value. You can enter any valid task editor.
Result false Any datatype except Binary. The value you want to return if the search finds a matching value. You can enter any valid task editor.
Default true Any datatype except Binary. The value you want to return if the search does not find a matching value. You can enter any valid task editor.
Decode(ProductCode, "R", "Rims", "S", "Silver Lining", "M", "Mats")


Description Deletes from from a directory that are N days old.
Syntax DeleteFilesOlderThanNDays( Path, Pattern, Older_Than_Days, Recursive [, Continue_On_Failure] )
Returns Integer. Returns the number of files deleted
Name Optional Description
Path false The path where the file will be deleted from.
Pattern false The filter pattern for locating and deleting files. *.* = all files, *.xls= all xls files, 2012*.doc = any file that starts with 2012 and ends with .doc.
Older_Than_Days false The number of days that will be used to delete files older than.
Recursive false Delete files from subdirectories as well.
Continue_On_Failure false Continue deleting files even if one or more files fails to delete.
DeleteFilesOlderThanNDays("C:\ssis\test", "*.xml", 14, false, true)


Description Creates a directory in the path supplied.
Syntax DirCreate( Path )
Returns Boolean. True if the Directory was created. False if it was not or path parameter is null
Name Optional Description
Path false The path where the directory will be created.


Description Removes a directory in the path supplied.
Syntax DirDelete( Path )
Returns Boolean. True if the Directory was removed. False if it was not or path parameter is null
Name Optional Description
Path false The path where the directory will be removed from.


Description Check if the directory exists in the path supplied.
Syntax DirExists( Path )
Returns Boolean. True if the Directory exists. False if it does not or path parameter is null
Name Optional Description
Path false The path where the directory is located.


Description Return the creation time of the directory.
Syntax DirGetCreationTime( Path )
Returns DateTime. If the path does not exist, the minimum date for your system is returned.
Name Optional Description
Path false The path where the directory is located.


Description Return the time the directory was last accessed.
Syntax DirGetLastAccessTime( Path )
Returns DateTime. If the path does not exist, the minimum date for your system is returned.
Name Optional Description
Path false The path where the directory is located.


Description Return the time the directory was last written to.
Syntax DirGetLastWriteTime( Path )
Returns DateTime. If the path does not exist, the minimum date for your system is returned.
Name Optional Description
Path false The path where the directory is located.


Description Returns the root directory of the path specified.
Syntax DirGetRoot( Path )
Returns String. Null if the path parameter is Null
Name Optional Description
Path false The path where the directory is located.


Description Moves a directory in from one path to another.
Syntax DirMove( Path_Source, Path_Destination )
Returns Boolean. True if the Directory was moved. False if it was not or either the Path_Source or Path_Destination parameters are null
Name Optional Description
Path_Source false The path where the directory will be moved from.
Path_Destination false The path where the directory will be moved to.
DirMove("C:\ssis\test", "C:\ssis\test1")


Description Set the time the directory was created.
Syntax DirSetCreationTime( Path, Date_Created )
Returns Boolean. True if the value is set. False if either parameter is null.
Name Optional Description
Path false The path where the directory is located.
Date_Created false The date the directory was created.
DirSetCreationTime("C:\ssis\", "7/6/2012 14:24")


Description Set the time the directory was last accessed.
Syntax DirSetLastAccessTime( Path, Date_Last_Access )
Returns Boolean. True if the value is set. False if either parameter is null.
Name Optional Description
Path false The path where the directory is located.
Date_Last_Access false The date the directory was last accessed.
DirSetLastAccessTime("C:\ssis\", "7/6/2012 14:24")


Description Set the time the directory was written to accessed.
Syntax DirSetLastWriteTime( Path, Date_Last_Written )
Returns Boolean. True if the value is set. False if either parameter is null.
Name Optional Description
Path false The path where the directory is located.
Date_Last_Written false The date the directory was last written to.
DirSetLastWriteTime("C:\ssis\", "7/6/2012 14:24")


Description Encodes data by converting binary data to string data using Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) encoding. Encode data when you want to store data in a database or file that does not allow binary data.
Syntax EncBase64( Value )
Returns Encoded value. NULL if the input is a null value.
Name Optional Description
Value false Binary or String datatype. Data that you want to encode.
example goes here


Description EndsWith determines whether a string ends with a character or string value
Syntax EndsWith ( String_To_Search, Search_Value )
Returns Boolean. True if string_to_search ends with search_value. NULL if a value passed to the function is NULL.
Name Optional Description
String_To_Search false Character string. The string to search.
Search_Value false Character string. The value to find at the end of String_To_Search
EndsWith("400 College Dr", "Dr"), If EndsWith(AddressColumn, "Dr") Then ...)


Description Causes the Integration Service to skip a row and issue an error message, which you define. The error message displays in the progress log.
Syntax ERROR( String )
Returns String.
Name Optional Description
String false String value. The message you want to display when the Integration Service skips a row based on the expression containing the ERROR function. The string can be any length.
Error("Whoops! Something went wrong!")


Description Executes supplied sql statement or stored procedure and returns single value or full resultset depending on column_name_or_index setting. By default it returns first column of first row in the resultset. If you execute DDL (e.g. CREATE TABLE...) or DML (UPDATE/DELETE...) statements which doesnt return anything then it will return NULL. You can use this function to call simple or parameterized SELECT queries or stored procs. You can also call DDL/DML statemets (e.g. UPDATE/DELETE/ALTER/INSERT/TRUNCATE)
Syntax ExecuteSQL( connection_manager, sql_statement [, is_stored_procedure] [, command_timeout] [, column_name_or_index] [, param1, param2 ... paramN])
Returns Returns single value or full resultset as DataTable. If no result set or value found (e.g. UPDATE/DELETE Statement) then returns NULL
Name Optional Description
Connection_Manager false The Connection Manager which will use to execute provided sql_statement. It has to be either OLEDB or connection manager. Syntax for connection manager is @@[connectionname]. When you use OLEDB connection to execute queries then you cant define named parameters (e.g. @mypara ). You have to use "?" for parameter (Example: select * from customer where customerid=? ). When you use connection type then you can use named parameters in your queries (e.g. select * from customer where customerid=@in_customer)
Sql_Statement false String value used representing the Stored Procedure that will be executed.
Is_Stored_Procedure true Boolean value indicating whether the Sql_Statement is a Stored Procedure or not. When this parameter is True then you dont have to include parameters as part of sql_statement. (Default=False)
Command_Timeout true Timeout in seconds for sql command. 0 means unlimited (Default=0)
Column_Name_OR_Index true If you have more than one column in output rowset and you want to return other than first column then specify column by name or Index (starting from 0). If you pass "-1" (in double quotes) then it will return full result set as DataTable which you can store in object datatype variable and consume it later in script task or use it in ForEach Loop
Parameters true List of parameters for supplied sql statement. If sqlstatement/stored proc doesn't require paramets then ommit this argument. Parameters are passed using below functions. InParam(paraName [,DataType] [,Precision/Length] [,Scale] , Value ) : This function defines Input parameter OutParam(paraName ,DataType ,Precision/Length , Scale , variableNameOrVariablePortName) : This function defines Output parameter Examples: ----------------------- OLEDB CONNECTION EXAMPLE ----------------------- --Single Input and output Parameter for OLEDB connection (Use ? for parameter indicator. Nmaed parameters not supported with OLEDB). Returns value back to User Variable "var2" ExecuteSQL(@@[NorthwindOLEDB], "SELECT ?=COUNT(*) FROM ORDERS WHERE CUSTOMERID=?" ,FALSE ,OutParam("out1",DbType.Int32,0,0,"User::var2") -- See variable name is in Double quotes.. don't pass as @[var2] ,InParam("prod1","ALFKI") ) ----------------------- ADO.NET CONNECTION EXAMPLE ----------------------- --Single Input and output Parameter for connection (Use @ prefix for named parameters). Returns value back to Variable Column V_COUNT ( only for DataFlow transforms) ExecuteSQL(@@[NorthwindOLEDB], "SELECT @MyCount=COUNT(*) FROM ORDERS WHERE CUSTOMERID=@pCustID " ,FALSE ,OutParam("MyCount",DbType.Int32,0,0, V_COUNT) ---See column name is not in DOUBLE QUOTES. This column must be variable column (Not output column) ,InParam("pCustID","ALFKI") ) Here is list of supported datatypes which can be used with InParam or OutParam functions AnsiString = 0, Binary = 1, Byte = 2, Boolean = 3, Currency = 4, Date = 5, DateTime = 6, Decimal = 7, Double = 8, Guid = 9, Int16 = 10, Int32 = 11, Int64 = 12, Object = 13, SByte = 14, Single = 15, String = 16, Time = 17, UInt16 = 18, UInt32 = 19, UInt64 = 20, VarNumeric = 21, AnsiStringFixedLength = 22, StringFixedLength = 23, Xml = 25, DateTime2 = 26, DateTimeOffset = 27
======================================== Examples (Calling DML/DDL Statements e.g. CREATE/UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE): ======================================== --Call simple sql statement which doesn't contain any paramter ExecuteSQL(@@[NorthwindOLEDB] , "DELETE FROM Customer Where Country='USA'" ) --Call simple create table ExecuteSQL(@@[NorthwindOLEDB] , "CREATE TABLE MyTable( col1 int, col2 int)" ) ======================================== Examples (Returning data from stored proc or select query): ======================================== --Return first column of first row ExecuteSQL(@@[NorthwindOLEDB] , "SELECT * FROM Customer Where Country='USA'" ) --Return "Phone" column from 1st row of resultset [Use of Column Name] ExecuteSQL(@@[NorthwindOLEDB] , "SELECT * FROM Customer Where Country='USA'" ,False,0, "Phone") --Call stored proc and return "data" column from first row of sp_spaceused output ExecuteSQL(@@[NorthwindOLEDB] , "exec sp_spaceused 'dbo.Customers'" ,False,0, "data") --Return 5th column from 1st row of resultset [Use of ColumnIndex] ExecuteSQL(@@[NorthwindOLEDB] , "SELECT * FROM Customer Where Country='USA'" ,False,0, 5) --Return Full Datatable (Call from ExpressionTask. Bind Expression with variable with object datatype to store full DataTable) ExecuteSQL(@@[NorthwindOLEDB] , "SELECT * FROM Customer Where Country='USA'" ,False,0, "-1") --Timeout query if it takes more than 30 seconds ExecuteSQL(@@[NorthwindOLEDB] , "SELECT * FROM Customer Where Country='USA'" ,False,30) ======================================== Parameter Examples (OLEDB Connection): ======================================== --Single Input Parameter for OLEDB connection ExecuteSQL(@@[NorthwindOLEDB] , "SELECT * FROM Customer Where Country=? " ,False, InParam("para1",DbType.String,40,0, "USA" ) ) --Single Input Parameter for OLEDB connection (Don't pass datatype info.. and let it guess)… If it can't guess it woll use String(4000) ExecuteSQL(@@[NorthwindOLEDB] , "SELECT * FROM Customer Where Country=? " ,False, InParam("para1", "USA" ) ) --Single Input and output Parameter for OLEDB connection. Returns value back to User Variable "var2" ExecuteSQL(@@[NorthwindOLEDB], "SELECT ?=COUNT(*) FROM ORDERS WHERE CUSTOMERID=?" ,FALSE ,OutParam("out1",DbType.Int32,0,0,"User::var2") -- See variable name is in Double quotes.. don't pass as @[var2] ,InParam("prod1","ALFKI") ) --Return value from stored procedure (RETURN VALUE always numeric and output from stored proc via RETURN statement) --Single output Parameter for OLEDB connection. Returns value back to User Variable "var2" ExecuteSQL(@@[NorthwindOLEDB], "exec ?=sp_MyStoredProc" ,FALSE ,OutParam("out1",DbType.Int32,0,0,"User::var2") -- See variable name is in Double quotes.. don't pass as @[var2]. ) --Single Input and output Parameter for OLEDB connection. Returns value back to Variable column V_COUNT ( only for DataFlow transforms) ExecuteSQL(@@[NorthwindOLEDB], "SELECT @MyCount=COUNT(*) FROM ORDERS WHERE CUSTOMERID=@pCustID " ,FALSE ,OutParam("MyCount",DbType.Int32,0,0, V_COUNT) ---See port name is not in DOUBLE QUOTES ,InParam("pCustID","ALFKI") ) ======================================== Parameter Examples ( Connection): ======================================== --Single Input Parameter for ADONET connection ExecuteSQL(@@[NorthwindADONET] , "SELECT * FROM Customer Where Country=@pCountry" ,False, InParam("pCountry ",DbType.String,40,0, "USA" ) ) --Single Input and output Parameter for ADONET connection. Returns value back to User Variable "var2" ExecuteSQL(@@[NorthwindADONET], "SELECT @MyCount=COUNT(*) FROM ORDERS WHERE CUSTOMERID=@pCustID " ,FALSE ,OutParam("MyCount",DbType.Int32,0,0,"User::var2") ,InParam("pCustID","ALFKI") ) --Single Input and output Parameter for ADONET connection. Returns value back to Variable column V_COUNT ( only for DataFlow transforms) ExecuteSQL(@@[NorthwindADONET], "SELECT @MyCount=COUNT(*) FROM ORDERS WHERE CUSTOMERID=@pCustID " ,FALSE ,OutParam("MyCount",DbType.Int32,0,0, V_COUNT) ,InParam("pCustID","ALFKI") )


Description Returns Euler's Number, e, raised to the specified power (Exponent), where e=2.71828183. For example, EXP(2) returns 7.38905609893065. You might use this function to analyze scientific and technical data rather than business data. EXP is the reciprocal of the LN function, which returns the natural logarithm of a numeric value.
Syntax EXP( Exponent )
Returns Double value. NULL if a value passed as an argument to the function is NULL.
Name Optional Description
Exponent false Numeric datatype. The value to which you want to raise e. The exponent in the equation e^value. You can enter any valid task editor.
EXP( ExponentColumn )