Documentation forTask Factory

Task Factory Functions List K-L


Description Aggregation that returns the last value of the group. Can only be used as part of the Advanced Aggregation component
Syntax Last( Value [, Condition])
Returns Object.
Name Optional Description
Value false The value to add to the aggregation
Condition false The condition allows you to conditionally add values to the aggregation based on the expression. For instance, you could define the aggregate as Last(SalesTotal, CustomerState="FL") and this would only add the value to the aggregation if the customers state was florida.
Last(SalesTotal), Last(SalesTotal, CustomerState="FL")


Description Returns the last day of a specified month.
Syntax LastDate(), LastDate( Date )
Returns returns date
Name Optional Description
Date false Date to retrieve value from
LastDate(), LastDate("12/8/2011"), LastDate(varDate), LastDate(OrderDateColumn)


Description Returns the last day of the previous month.
Syntax LastDateOfPrevMonth(), LastDateOfPrevMonth( Date )
Returns returns date
Name Optional Description
Date false Date to retrieve value from
LastDateOfPrevMonth(), LastDateOfPrevMonth("12/8/2011"), LastDateOfPrevMonth(varDate), LastDateOfPrevMonth(OrderDateColumn)


Description Returns the smallest value from a list of input values. By default, the match is not case sensitive.
Syntax LEAST( Case_Flag, Value1 [, Value2, ..., ValueN,] )
Returns value1 if it is the smallest of the input values, value2 if it is the smallest of the input values, and so on. NULL if any of the arguments is null.
Name Optional Description
CaseFlag false Determines whether the arguments in this function are case sensitive. You can enter any valid transformation expression. When CaseFlag is a number other than 0, the function is case sensitive. When CaseFlag is a null value or 0, the function is not case sensitive.
Value false Any datatype except Binary. Datatype must be compatible with other values. Value you want to compare against other values. You must enter at least one value argument. If the value is Numeric, and other input values are of other numeric datatypes, all values use the highest precision possible. For example, if some values are of the Integer datatype and others are of the Double datatype, the Integration Service converts the values to Double.
Least(false, varValues), Least(false, "test1", "test2", "test3")


Description Returns a string containing a specified number of characters from the left side of a string..
Syntax Left( String, Number_Of_Characters )
Returns String. NULL if a value passed to the function is NULL.
Name Optional Description
String false String datatype. String expression from which the leftmost characters are returned.
Number_Of_Characters false The number of characters to return from the string.
Left("Stop Here. None of this will be there", 10), Left(FirstNameColumn, 20)


Description Returns the number of characters in a string, including trailing blanks.
Syntax Length( String )
Returns Integer representing the length of the string. NULL if a value passed to the function is NULL.
Name Optional Description
String false String datatype. The strings you want to evaluate. You can enter any valid transformation expression.
Length("How Long Is This?"), Length(FirstNameColumn)


Description Returns the logarithm of a numeric value. Most often, you use this function to analyze scientific data rather than business data.
Syntax LOG( Base, Exponent )
Returns Double value. NULL if a value passed to the function is NULL.
Name Optional Description
Base false The base of the logarithm. Must be a positive numeric value other than 0 or 1. Any valid task editor that evaluates to a positive number other than 0 or 1.
Exponent false The exponent of the logarithm. Must be a positive numeric value greater than 0. Any valid task editor that evaluates to a positive number greater than 0.
Log( BaseColumn, ExponentColumn)


Description Returns the base 10 logarithm of a specified number.
Syntax Log10( Numeric_Value )
Returns Numeric
Name Optional Description
Numeric_Value false Passes the values for which you want to the Atan of


Description Logs a row of data from a dataflow to a flat file.
Syntax LogBufferRowToFile(File_Path [, Delimeter] [, Quoted_String])
Returns Nothing
Name Optional Description
File_Path false The path to the file to log the buffer row to.
Delimeter optional The file delimeter to be used to seperate the column values. Default is ","
Quoted_String optional Tells the engine whether to wrap string values in quotes or not. Default is false.
LogBufferRowToFile("C:\temp\logfile.ext"), LogBufferRowToFile("c:\temp\logfile.txt", "|", True)]


Description Logs an error message to the ssis output log (progress tab in BIDS)
Syntax LogError(Message [, Condition])
Returns Nothing
Name Optional Description
Message false The message to log.
Condition true The condition to evaluate to true before logging the message
LogError("This is a error"), LogError("Values didn't match", value1!=value2)]


Description Logs an informational message to the ssis output log (progress tab in BIDS)
Syntax LogInfo(Message [, Condition])
Returns Nothing
Name Optional Description
Message false The message to log.
Condition true The condition to evaluate to true before logging the message
LogInfo("This is a message"), LogInfo("Values didn't match", value1!=value2)]


Description Logs a warning message to the ssis output log (progress tab in BIDS)
Syntax LogWarning(Message [, Condition])
Returns Nothing
Name Optional Description
Message false The message to log.
Condition true The condition to evaluate to true before logging the message
LogWarning("This is a warning"), LogWarning("Values didn't match", value1!=value2)]


Description LookupData will use an Advanced Lookup Cache Connection Manager to retrieve data from the cached connection manager. LookupData will return the value of the first output column defined on a cache connection manager. The args parameter array is used to pass in values that match the "Input Parameters" defined on a cache connection manager.
Syntax LookupData(Cache_Connection_Manager, Arg1 [, Arg2, ..., ArgN])
Returns returns the value of the output column if a match is found. Returns NULL if no match is found.
Name Optional Description
Cache_Connection_Manager false The Advanced Lookup Cache Connection Manager where the lookup will be performanced. Must use the @@[ConnectionManager] syntax.
Args false Args is a parameter array of values that directly correlate to the input parameters defined on a cache connection manager.
LookupData(@@[ProductCache], ProductID)] - In this example, the cache connection manager (@@[ProductCache]) is storing the products. ProductID is a column that is part of the current component being used (Advanced Derived Column, Advanced Aggregator, etc) and the value of ProductID is passed into LookupData from the Data Flow.
[LookupData(@@[ProductCache], ProductID, OrderDate)] - In this example, the cache connection manager (@@[ProductCache]) is storing the products. ProductID and OrderDate are columns that are part of the current component being used (Advanced Derived Column, Advanced Aggregator, etc) and the value of them is passed into LookupData from the Data Flow.


Description LookupDataByColumn will use an Advanced Lookup Cache Connection Manager to retrieve data from the cached connection manager and return a specified. Unlike LookupData, which returns the value of the first output column defined on a cache connection manager, LookupDataByColumn can be used to grab a specific column. The args parameter array is used to pass in values that match the "Input Parameters" defined on a cache connection manager.
Syntax LookupDataByColumn(Cache_Connection_Manager, Column_To_Retrieve, Arg1 [, Arg2, ..., ArgN])
Returns returns the value of the output column if a match is found. Returns NULL if no match is found.
Name Optional Description
Cache_Connection_Manager false The Advanced Lookup Cache Connection Manager where the lookup will be performanced. Must use the @@[ConnectionManager] syntax.
Column_To_Retrieve false The name of an column defined as "Output" on the Advanced Lookup Cache Connection Manager.
Args false Args is a parameter array of values that directly correlate to the input parameters defined on a cache connection manager.
LookupData(@@[ProductCache], "ProductName", ProductID)] - In this example, the cache connection manager (@@[ProductCache]) is storing the products. ProductID is a column that is part of the current component being used (Advanced Derived Column, Advanced Aggregator, etc) and the value of ProductID is passed into LookupData from the Data Flow. "ProductName" is the column being retrieved from the cache connection manager.
[LookupData(@@[ProductCache], "ProductCost", ProductID, OrderDate)] - In this example, the cache connection manager (@@[ProductCache]) is storing the products. ProductID and OrderDate are columns that are part of the current component being used (Advanced Derived Column, Advanced Aggregator, etc) and the value of them is passed into LookupData from the Data Flow. "ProductCost" is the column being retrieved from the cache connection manager.


Description Converts uppercase string characters to lowercase.
Syntax LOWER( String )
Returns Lowercase character string. If the data contains multibyte characters, the return value depends on the code page and data movement mode of the Integration Service. NULL if a value in the selected port is NULL.
Name Optional Description
String false Any string value. The argument passes the string values that you want to return as lowercase. You can enter any valid transformation expression that evaluates to a string.
Lower("Lower All THIS"), Lower(LastNameColumn)


Description Adds a set of blanks or characters to the beginning of a string to set the string to a specified length.
Syntax LPad( First_String, Length [, Second_String] )
Returns String of the specified length. NULL if a value passed to the function is NULL or if length is a negative number.
Name Optional Description
First_String false Can be a character string. The strings you want to change. You can enter any valid task editor.
Length false Must be a positive integer literal. This argument specifies the length you want each string to be.
Second_String true Can be any string value. The characters you want to append to the left-side of the first_string values. You can enter any valid task editor. You can enter a specific string literal. However, enclose the characters you want to add to the beginning of the string within single quotation marks, as in 'abc'. This argument is case sensitive. If you omit the second_string, the function pads the beginning of the first string with blanks.
LPad("SentryOne", 30), LPad(CompanyNameColumn, 50)


Description Removes blanks or characters from the beginning of a string.
Syntax LTRIM( String [, Trim_Set] )
Returns String. The string values with the specified characters in the trim_set argument removed. NULL if a value passed to the function is NULL. If the trim_set is NULL, the function returns NULL.
Name Optional Description
String false Any string value. Passes the strings you want to modify. You can enter any valid task editor. Use operators to perform comparisons or concatenate strings before removing characters from the beginning of a string.
Trim_Set true Any string value. Passes the characters you want to remove from the beginning of the first string. You can enter any valid task editor. You can also enter a character string. However, you must enclose the characters you want to remove from the beginning of the string within single quotation marks, for example, 'abc'. If you omit the second string, the function removes any blanks from the beginning of the string. LTRIM is case sensitive. For example, if you want to remove the 'A' character from the string 'Alfredo', you would enter 'A', not 'a'.
LTrim(" SentryOne"), LTrim(CompanyNameColumn), LTrim("----SentryOne", "-")