Extra Services
Under Subscription > Extra Services inside your Pingdom account, you can purchase additional services to be added to your subscription. If you purchase an Extra Service it will be added to your monthly or annual bill (depending on which billing cycle you are on).
You can view what Extra Services you have by going to Subscription in your account.
Autofill SMS Credits
Automatically refill your SMS credits
All our paid subscriptions include a certain amount of SMS credits which is added to your account on a monthly basis. If these run out in the middle of the month, you can with Autofill SMS Credits ensure you don't miss any alerts. By activating this feature, you can configure the system to purchase a specific amount of SMS credits when the credit count hits a certain limit. You set the limit yourself (for example: buy 20 SMS credits when you have 15 SMS credits left) but the number of SMS credits that can be purchase depends on which subscription plan you are on.
You can see how many SMS credits you have in the menu to the left.
You can de-activate the autofill feature under Subscription inside your account.
5 Advanced Checks
Allows you to set up more Transaction and Page Speed checks
This is located on our Subscription page.
Depending on which subscription you have, you have the ability to set up a specific number or Advanced checks. An advanced check is either a Page Speed or a Transaction check. If you need to add more than your subscription allows, but you don't want to upgrade, you can purchase a package of 5 Advanced checks to be added to your subscription. Depending on your billing cycle this is either a monthly or annual charge.
You can remove the extra Advanced checks under Subscription > Extra Services inside your account.
Navigation Notice: When the APM Integrated Experience is enabled, Pingdom shares a common navigation and enhanced feature set with other integrated experience products. How you navigate Pingdom and access its features may vary from these instructions.