Enter and search for a location
Locations are attributes built-in to Web Help Desk. Administrators can add these attributes based on their Web Help Desk deployment. Administrators can also add locations using the client LDAP synchronization.
The Locations & Rooms screen located at Setup > Companies & Locations > Locations & Rooms allows you to store information about your customer locations and their corresponding rooms. After you set up your locations, you can assign each location to a tech group that contains techs in the same geographical area. This process can help you automate ticket assignments and dispatch help to the correct location when a tech or client creates a new ticket.
To get started, create a location and the corresponding location options. If you select Use Rooms for a location option, create the rooms for the location. You can also search for a location by appending a wildcard (*) symbol to your search term.
Create a location
- Click Setup > Companies & Locations > Locations & Rooms.
- Click New.
Enter a name for this location. For example, Austin.
Enter the contact information for this location.
Click the Company drop-down menu and select the company assigned to this location.
Enter the email domains for this location.
Click the Business Zone drop-down menu and select the default time zone for this location.
The business zone describes the time zone, country, business hours, and other related information for your primary and remote call center locations. See Configure the business zones and calendar settings to set up a business zone for this location.
Select the Client Login Enabled checkbox to indicate whether clients assigned to this location area allowed to log in using the web interface. When deselected, clients cannot log in, but can create tickets using email.
Select the default client permissions for this location.
Select Client Admin Can Report For Others to allow the client administrator to create and assign a ticket to another client.
Locate and select the clients assigned to this location.
When you look up and select a client, the client name and role displays in the Client Admins row.
To minimize database errors, do not assign a client administrator to more than 2,100 locations.To override the admin permissions for a client, click the key icon under Role and select the appropriate options. When you are finished, click Done.
Select the priority type that determines the ticket due date for this location.
Select All for all types. Select Specific to select one or more types.
See Create a priority type for details on setting up the priority types.
Click the Default Priority drop-down menu and select the default priority type for this location.
(Optional) Select a billing rate for this location.
See Define rates and terms to set up a billing rate for this location.
Select a tax rate used in calculating costs for tickets assigned to this location.
Select Default to apply all tax rates defined as a default tax rate at Setup > Parts & Billing > Rate & Terms > Tax Rates.
Select Specific to select one or more tax rates from all defined rates.
Indicate whether parts are stored at this location.
If this location does not store parts, select No.
If this location stores parts, select Yes and then enter the email addresses (separated by semicolons) of personnel who will receive inventory alerts for this location. You can set up the default value at Setup > Parts & Billing > Inventory Alerts.
Select the checkbox to enable clients to view the work time for this location.
Select the checkbox if the Assets tab is available in the client interface for clients at this location. Otherwise, leave the checkbox unchecked.
This option overrides the default setting at Setup > Assets > Options. -
Determine how clients can create tickets for this location. If both options are unchecked, clients can only view and update existing tickets when the login is enabled.
Clients who are not allowed to create tickets using either method can only view and update existing tickets if their login credentials are enabled.
(Optional) Add any notes related to this location.
(Optional) Add an attachments that provides specific details for this location.
Select the status of this location. Leave this checkbox blank if this location is active.
(Optional) Select a color that highlights the label for this location. Select white for no label color.
Select the outgoing mail account used to send email for tickets assigned to this location.
If you select Default, the outgoing mail account is retrieved from one of the following locations:
- Outgoing mail account tied to the company assigned to this location.
- Outgoing mail account tied to the incoming mail account that is relevant to the ticket (determined by the ticket request type). See Setup > email > Incoming Mail Accounts.
- System default mail account configured at Setup > email > Outgoing Mail Accounts.
- Click Save.
- Repeat step 2 through step 24 to add additional locations.
Select the location options
- Click Setup > Companies & Locations > Options
Select the options to include for your locations.
Option Description Use Companies Links your locations to a company. Manager Precedence Indicates which location manager will take precedence for all ticket escalations. Use Rooms Attaches rooms to all locations. Use Departments Allows clients and techs to be assigned to departments. A Departments submenu will display under Setup > Locations & Departments and a Department popup menu will display in the client-profile and ticket pages. To enable the Assigned Techs tab in Setup > Locations & Departments > Departments > [Department], enable Preferences > Tickets > Ticket Preferences > Auto-assigned Tech Must Belong to Department. - Click Save.
Create the rooms
If you selected Use Rooms for your location options, create the rooms for your new location.
- Click Setup > Companies & Locations > Locations and Rooms.
- In the Location Name column, click a location that requires a new room.
- Click the Rooms Editor tab.
- Click New.
Enter a room name. For example, B-125.
- Click Save.
- Repeat step 2 through step 6 for each additional room in this location.
Search for a location
All locations are storied at Setup > Companies & Locations > Locations & Rooms and display in a table, as shown below.
To search for a location, enter a name in the Location field and click Search. If the Location Name column contains multiple names, you can search this column by appending a wildcard (*) symbol to your search term.
The following table lists the types of searches you can enter using this symbol.
Search type | Description |
*Austin | Displays all locations that end with Austin. |
Austin* | Displays all locations that begin with Austin. |
*Austin* | Displays all locations that contain Austin. |