View events, alerts, and audit events
Use the EOC Message Center to view the events, audit events, and alerts that occurred on all enabled SolarWinds Sites.
View events and alerts
Choose Alerts & Activity > Message Center.
The Message Center lists events, audit events, and alerts from all enabled SolarWinds Sites. You can perform the following actions:
- To filter events and alerts:
- Select the filter criteria. You can filter by SolarWinds Site, device properties, message type, or time period.
In the Number of displayed messages field, enter the maximum number of messages to display.
Showing a large number of messages, such as a 1000, can negatively affect EOC performance.
To show acknowledged alerts and cleared events, select Show acknowledged.
Click Refresh.
To search for a string in the message text, enter the string in the Search box and click Search.
Only messages that include the search string are displayed.
To view detailed information about the object that triggered the event, click the message text.
The SolarWinds Site opens in another browser tab, and the Details view provides information about the object.
Clear events or acknowledge alerts
Clearing an event removes it from the Message Center and the Events page. Clearing an alert removes it from the Message Center and marks it as Acknowledged on the Alerts page in EOC and on the SolarWinds Site.
To clear events or acknowledge alerts, users must have the Allow Account to Clear Events privilege. For more information about defining privileges, see Define what users can access and do.
Choose Alerts & Activity > Message Center.
The Message Center lists events, audit events, and alerts from all enabled SolarWinds Sites.
- Select individual events or alerts, or click Select All.
- Click Clear Selected Messages.
Selected events are removed from the view. Selected alerts are removed from the Message Center view and identified as Acknowledged on the All Active Alerts page.