Introduction to SolarWinds EOC
In some situations, organizations might choose to deploy SolarWinds, products on multiple SolarWinds Platform (or Orion) servers; this is referred to as a distributed deployment. For example, a distributed deployment could be beneficial due to mergers and acquisitions, or because of how an MSP provides services to clients. In a distributed deployment, each SolarWinds Platform server operates independently and cannot access data from the other servers.
The Enterprise Operations Console (EOC) offers a comprehensive view of the instances in distributed deployment (called SolarWinds Sites). EOC provides insight into alerts, global reporting capabilities, and a compilation of current status information from all entities at each site. EOC users can view, triage, and troubleshoot issues that might span multiple sites.
Get started
To begin using Enterprise Operations Console, administrators must:
- Install Enterprise Operations Console.
Add SolarWinds Sites to EOC. SolarWinds EOC can connect to any SolarWinds Site that runs on a supported version of the SolarWinds Platform.
Create user accounts and define what SolarWinds Site data each user can access in EOC.
Administrators can specify which SolarWinds Sites the user account can access. They must also associate each EOC user account with a SolarWinds Site account which is used to access SolarWinds Site data. The privileges granted to the associated SolarWinds Site account determine what data the EOC user can view and what actions the user can perform (for example, whether the user can acknowledge alerts in EOC).
Access data from SolarWinds Sites
After you add SolarWinds Sites, you can view data from all connected sites:
- View high-level status information and alerts on the Enterprise Environment Summary view. You can customize the status tiles to display the information most important to you. Use this view to quickly identify potential issues, and then seamlessly drill through to the SolarWinds Site for details.
- View and acknowledge alerts from all SolarWinds Sites.
- Import maps from SolarWinds Sites and display them in EOC.
- Import reports from SolarWinds Sites, or view and customize EOC reports.
- Manage custom properties in EOC, such as creating and consolidating custom properties.
Additional customization and tools in the SolarWinds Platform
- Customize the SolarWinds Platform Web Console look for the SolarWinds Platform, such as the Dashboard, color scheme, and logo.
- Create, delete, modify, or restrict views in the SolarWinds Platform Web Console.
- Customize the SolarWinds Platform Web Console and chart settings for the SolarWinds Platform.
- Create a Worldwide Map resource on a realistic geographical map that can be displayed on SolarWinds Platform Web Console views.
- Use SolarWinds High Availability to provide failover protection for your SolarWinds Platform server and additional polling engines.
- Troubleshoot environmental issues with Performance Analysis (PerfStack™) dashboards.