Documentation forWeb Performance Monitor

All Transactions

The All Transactions widget provides a tree view of your transaction monitors, allowing you to see the status of the transactions and whether any are unresponsive.

  • Expand transactions to show steps in the tree view.
  • Click a transaction, step or location to navigate to the corresponding transaction, step or location details view.

Click Manage Transactions to add, edit, enable, disable, or delete transaction monitors. For further information, see Stop and start WPM transaction monitoring.

Available customization


The title and the subtitle of the widget.

Group by

Groups the items in the tree by None, Location, Playback Interval, Recording, or Status

Group status rollup type

Determines the status of the group or transaction (parent) if the group members or the individual steps (child items) do not all share the same status.

  • Mixed: sets the parent status to Warning if the child items do not all have the same status.
  • Worst: sets the parent status to the child item with the worst status.
  • Best: sets the parent status to the child item with the best status.

Order by

Sorts the items in the tree by Name or Status.

Remember Expanded State

Check to remembers which tree items you expanded in the widgets and restores their expanded viewing state any time the view is reloaded.

Always Expand Root Level

Check to show tree expanded to show transactions.

Show Durations

Check to display how long it took to playback each transaction monitor or step.

Hide Unmanaged Transactions

Check to hide all transactions marked as unmanaged.

Filter (SWQL)

Here you can enter a (SWQL) query using transaction properties to limit the scope of transaction monitors shown in this widget. For example, to only display transactions that have a location name starting with 'Japan', use:
Transactions.Location LIKE 'Japan%'

Properties available for filtering

Click + to expand the list of transaction properties you can use in the Filter (SWQL) field.