Documentation forWeb Help Desk
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Create ticket reports

Web Help Desk ticket reports convert ticket statistics into visual information. These reports provide a high-level view of performance and trends so you can make informed decisions about your help desk operations.

The Reports tab includes predefined ticket report templates you can use to generate a report. Click a report template or create your own customized report to address your specific needs.

Ticket reports do not reflect the correct work time because the data is based on ticket totals, and not the tech. To generate a report with the correct work time, train your techs to track their ticket work time. After Web Help Desk collects enough work time data, you can generate a billing report to track this information.

To generate a list of software products running on computer systems in your deployment, create a custom report.
  1. In the toolbar, click Reports.
  2. In the Reports screen, ensure that the Override Dates checkbox is deselected unless required. Otherwise, your report will not reflect your targeted dates.

  3. Click a predefined report template in the Reports column, and then go to step 10.

    To create a custom report, go to the next step.

  4. Click New.
  5. Enter a name that identifies the report. The report name will display in the report title.

  6. (Optional) Click the Report Group drop-down menu and select a report group. Applying a report group can make reports easier to find when you have several reports.

  7. Click the Report Type drop-down menu and select Ticket Report.

    The Report Details and Report Filters tabs appear. These tabs define what the report looks like and the data it contains.

  8. Click Save.

  9. Select the type of information you want to include in the report:

Create a bar chart ticket report

  1. In the Chart Type row, select Bar chart.

  2. Click the Bar Category drop-down menu and select the appropriate category for your report.

  3. Click the Show drop-down menu and select the number of items that display in the bar category.
  4. Select the checkbox to include only data with asset numbers different than zero. Otherwise, leave this checkbox unchecked.
  5. Click the Bar Stack Category drop-down menu and select a category that specifies the data stacked on each bar.

  6. Click the Show drop-down menu to select the number of items to display in the bar category.
  7. Select the Show non-zero items only checkbox to include only data with ticket numbers different than zero. Otherwise, leave this checkbox unchecked.
  8. Click the Repetition Category drop-down menu and select the category used to create the bar charts in the report.

    For example, if you select Location Group, a separate bar chart (along with a table, if specified) is generated for each location group. Each bar chart is generated based on the settings provided for major category, minor category, and grouping category. The bar chart will only include tickets associated with the chart's specific location group.

  9. Select the ticket attribute used to determine the bar lengths in the chart.

    For example, if you select Tickets, each bar reflects the number of tickets for its particular category. If you select Avg. Open Time, each bar reflects the average open time of tickets in its category.

    If you select a time metric, the hour and minutes are labeled h:m, respectively.

  10. Select the checkbox to include a table of values in the report. The values are rendered as hyperlinks to the corresponding tickets. Otherwise, leave this checkbox unchecked.

  11. Select the checkbox to include a list of filters configured for the report. This setting does not impact how the data is filtered, but whether the filter list is visible. Otherwise, leave this checkbox unchecked.

  12. Select a relative or specific time range for the report.

    Select Relative to display time ranges as time periods before the current date. The time units can be business hours, business days, weeks, months, or years.

    Next, decide whether to use the exact date and time or round the values back to the beginning of the time period.

    If you choose to round back the values, the time range is determined by rounding back to the beginning of the selected time period. For example, if the From value is set as one business month ago and rounding back is selected, the time is determined by going back one month from the present, and then going back further to the beginning of that month. This means rounding back 0 months will give the beginning of the current month.

    Select Specific to display time ranges as specific dates and times. Select the From and To values as required.

  13. Select the ticket date attribute used to apply the Time Range settings. For example, if you select Date Closed, only tickets that were closed within your selected time range are included in the report. If you do not select a time range, this setting does not impact the report.

    If you select Date Worked On, the work time only includes tech notes entered within the selected time range. For all other date attributes, work time includes all ticket tech notes, regardless of whether they fall within the date range.

    If you select Creator or Assigned Tech, all ticket work time applied to the tech who created the ticket or who is assigned to the Ticket, respectively. As a result, if two different techs add notes to the same ticket, the tech indicated by the category selection (creator or assigned tech) will be credited the work time for both techs.

    To generate a report that breaks time down individually for each Tech Note, use a billing report. Billing Reports are available only if Setup > Parts & Billing > Options > Parts & Billing Enabled is checked.

  14. Click Save.
  15. (Optional) Add a report filter.

    A report filter restricts certain tickets from being include in your report based on their attribute value. For example, a Status Type filter can restrict the report to only include tickets with Open or Pending status types.

    A Request Type filter includes request types and all related subtypes. If a report category uses Request Type, the report groups together all tickets associated with a filtered request type. For example, if Hardware is a request type with Printer and Laptop subtypes, the report includes these subtypes in a single entry labeled Hardware.

    When you save a filter, all other report settings, including the Report Details tab settings are saved as well.

    1. Click the Report Filters tab.
    2. Click New.
    3. In the Filter column, click an existing filter or click New.
    4. Click the Filter Attribute drop-down menu and select the filter attribute that is applied to the ticket. If the attribute matches a report category, only the values allowed by the filter display in the report.

      Click the Report Details tab to set the report categories.
    5. In the Filter Type row, select how the chosen filter values will be included or excluded from the report.

      Select Inclusive to include tickets with one of the selected values. Select Exclusive to exclude tickets with one of the selected values.

    6. In the Values row, select the values that are filtered for the filter attribute. The filter type settings determine whether the filter includes or excludes your selected values.

  16. Click Run Report.

    In the example below, Day of Week Opened is the bar category and Ticket Type is the bar stack category.

Create a pie chart ticket report

  1. In the Chart Type row, select Pie Chart.

  2. Click the Pie Slice Category drop-down menu and select a category that specifies the data in each pie slice.

  3. Click the Show drop-down menu and select the appropriate number of items to display in the pie chart.
  4. Select the Show non-zero items only check box to include only data with ticket numbers. Otherwise, leave the checkbox blank.
  5. Click the Repetition Category drop-down menu and select a category that specifies the data in each pie slice.

    For example, if you select Location Group, a separate chart (along with a table, if specified) is generated for each location group. Each pie chart is generated based on the settings provided for major category, minor category, and grouping category. The pie chart will only include tickets associated with the chart's specific location group.

  6. Select the ticket attribute used to determine the pie-slice sizes in the chart.

    For example, if you select Tickets, each pie slice will reflect the number of tickets for its particular category. If you select Avg. Open Time, each pie slice reflects the average open time of tickets in its category.

    If you select a time metric, the hour and minutes will be labeled h:m, respectively.

  7. Select the Show Table checkbox to include a table of values in the report. The values are rendered as hyperlinks to the corresponding tickets. Otherwise, leave this checkbox unchecked.

  8. Select the Show Filters checkbox to include a list of filters configured for the report. This setting does not impact how the data is filtered, but whether the filter list is visible. Otherwise, leave this checkbox unchecked.

  9. Select a relative or specific time range for the report.

    Select Relative to display time ranges as time periods before the current date. The time units can be business hours, business days, weeks, months, or years.

    Next, decide whether to use the exact date and time or round the values back to the beginning of the time period.

    If you choose to round back the values, the time is determined by rounding back to the beginning of the selected time period. For example, if the From value is set as one business month ago and rounding back is selected, the time is determined by going back one month from the present, then going back further to the beginning of that month. This means rounding back 0 months will give the beginning of the current month.

    Select Specific to display time ranges as specific dates and times. Select the From and To values as required.

  10. Select the ticket date attribute used when applying the Time Range settings. For example, if you select Date Closed, only tickets that were closed within your selected time rage will be included in the report. If you do not select a time range, this setting does not impact the report.

    If you select Date Worked On, the work time only includes tech notes entered within the selected time range. For all other date attributes, work time includes all ticket tech notes, regardless of whether they fall within the date range.

    If you select Creator or Assigned Tech, all ticket work time applied to the tech who created the ticket or who is assigned to the Ticket, respectively. As a result, if two different techs add notes to the same ticket, the tech indicated by the category selection (creator or assigned tech) will be credited the work time for both techs.

    To generate a report that breaks time down individually for each Tech Note, use a billing report. Billing Reports are available only if Setup > Parts & Billing > Options > Parts & Billing Enabled is checked.

  11. Click Save.
  12. (Optional) Add a report filter.

    A report filter restricts certain tickets from being include in your report based on their attribute value. For example, a Status Type filter can restrict the report to only include tickets with Open or Pending status types.

    A Request Type filter includes request types and all related subtypes. If a report category uses Request Type, the report groups together all tickets associated with a filtered request type. For example, if Hardware is a request type with Printer and Laptop subtypes, the report includes these subtypes in a single entry labeled Hardware.

    When you save a filter, all other report settings, including the Report Details tab settings are saved as well.

    1. Click the Report Filters tab.
    2. Click New.
    3. In the Filter column, click a filter or click New.
    4. Click the Filter Attribute drop-down menu and specify the ticket attribute that will apply to the filter.

    5. In the Filter Type row, select how the values chosen for the filter will be included or excluded from the report.

      Select Inclusive to include tickets with one of the selected values. Select Exclusive to exclude tickets with one of the selected values.

  13. Click Save.
  14. In the Report Details tab window, click Run Report.

    The example bar chart below uses Day of Week Opened for the Pie Slice Category.

Create a table only ticket report

  1. In the Chart Type row, select Table Only.

    Web Help Desk will not render a chart, but the table displays if you provide at least one table metric.
  2. Click the Row Category drop-down menu and select the appropriate category for the report. This selection determines the category that defines the table rows.

    The major category may be subdivided into a minor category, splitting each bar into separate colors.
  3. Click the Show drop-down menu and select the number of items that display in the table rows.
  4. Select the checkbox to include only data with asset numbers different than zero. Otherwise, leave this checkbox unchecked.
  5. Click the Column Category drop-down menu and select the category that subdivides the major category.

  6. Click the Show drop-down menu and select the number of items that display in the chart.
  7. Select the checkbox to include only data with asset numbers different than zero. Otherwise, leave this checkbox unchecked.
  8. Click the Repetition Category drop-down menu and select the category used to create multiple charts.

  9. Click the Show drop-down menu and select the number of items that display in the chart.
  10. Select the checkbox to include only data with asset numbers different than zero. Otherwise, leave this checkbox unchecked.
  11. Select the ticket attributes to include in the table. If you select a time metric, the hour and minutes will be labeled h:m, respectively.

  12. Select the checkbox to include a list of filters configured for the report. This setting does not impact how the data is filtered, but whether the filter list is visible. Otherwise, leave this checkbox unchecked.

  13. Select the amount of time included in the report.

    Select Relative to display time ranges as time periods prior to the present date. The time units can be business hours, business days, weeks, months, or years.

    Next, choose whether to use the exact date and time or round the values back to the beginning of the time period.

    If you choose to round back the values, the time is determined by rounding back to the beginning of the selected time period. For example, if the From value is set as one business month ago and rounding back is selected, the time is e determined by going back one month from the present, then going back further to the beginning of that month. This means rounding back 0 months will give the beginning of the current month.

    Select Specific to display time ranges as specific dates and times. Select the From and To values as required.

  14. Select the ticket date attribute used to apply the Time Range settings. For example, if you select Date Closed, only tickets that were closed within your selected time range are included in the report. If you do not select a time range, this setting does not impact the report.

    If you select Date Worked On, the work time only includes tech notes entered within the selected time range. For all other date attributes, work time includes all ticket tech notes, regardless of whether they fall within the date range.

    If you select Creator or Assigned Tech, all ticket work time applied to the tech who created the ticket or who is assigned to the Ticket, respectively. As a result, if two different techs add notes to the same ticket, the tech indicated by the category selection (creator or assigned tech) will be credited the work time for both techs.

    To generate a report that breaks time down individually for each Tech Note, use a billing report. Billing Reports are available only if Setup > Parts & Billing > Options > Parts & Billing Enabled is checked.

  15. (Optional) Add a report filter.

    A report filter restricts certain tickets from being include in your report based on their attribute value. For example, a Status Type filter can restrict the report to only include tickets with Open or Pending status types.

    A Request Type filter includes request types and all related subtypes. If a report category uses Request Type, the report groups together all tickets associated with a filtered request type. For example, if Hardware is a request type with Printer and Laptop subtypes, the report includes these subtypes in a single entry labeled Hardware.

    When you save a filter, all other report settings, including the Report Details tab settings are saved as well.

    1. Click the Report Filters tab.
    2. In the Filter column, click a filter or click New.
    3. Click the Filter Attribute drop-down menu and specify the ticket attribute that will apply to the filter.

    4. In the Filter Type row, select how the values chosen for the filter will be included or excluded from the report.

      Select Inclusive to include tickets with one of the selected values. Select Exclusive to exclude tickets with one of the selected values.

    5. In the Values row, select the values that are filtered for the filter attribute.

    6. Click Save.
  16. Click the Report Details window.
  17. Click Save to save the report.
  18. Click Run Report.

    The report appears, as shown below.

  19. This report uses the following settings:

    • Row Category: Status
    • Column Category: Location Group
    • Repetition Category: Assigned Tech
    • Table Data: Tickets