Getting Started with Network Topology Mapper (NTM)
See this video: Automate Network Discovery and Mapping with SolarWinds Network Topology Mapper.
Scan and map your IT infrastructure:
- Network devices
- Servers
- Virtualization hosts and more
Why use NTM?
- Automate device discovery and mapping: Automatically discover network topology using ICMP, SNMP, WMI, CDP, VMware, Microsoft Hyper-V, and leverage multiple network discovery methods.
- Build multiple maps from a single scan: Build maps without having to rescan to save resources, bandwidth, and time.
- Export network diagrams to Vision: Export network diagrams to Visio, Network Atlas, PDF, and more.
- Auto-detect changes to Network Topology Mapper: Monitor for new devices, changes and unknown systems to ensure and accurate, up-to-date record of your network.
- Maintain multiple network maps to meet regulatory compliance: Use network maps to help meet compliance requirements for PCI, SOX, HIPSS and FIPS 140‑2.
NTM vs Network Atlas
Topology-based approach: see where things are connected, ignore things not relevant. |
When you already have everything in NPM and just want to extend your maps. |
One map is rarely enough to comprehensively discover your environment: you can designate sub-admins to discover just their segments of network. |
NA maps can be rolled-up: when you need the maps to contain applications, systems, services, interfaces, IPSLAs |
Maps are updated automatically |
Maps in Network Atlas are static: you need to update them manually |
Create a map
- Create a new scan:
- Click New Scan.
- Add SNMP community strings, WMI and VMware credentials.
- Identify the network segment (subnet, IP ranges).
- You can ignore nodes that only respond to ICMP (ping).
- Kick off the scan.
- Map is created.
- Rearrange objects on the map, add devices or delete devices you don't want to see.
- Save the map.
- Export (Network Atlas Maps, PDF and Maps, PNG, or Visio).
- Create reports (such as make an inventory report and export it to csv).
- Nodes discovered are shown on the left.
- Change which links are displayed.
- Most environments cannot be described by a single map. Create multiple purpose-filled maps.
- Create a map focused on the network gear of a site.
- Drag and drop required switches.
- Publish to SharePoint: Export to Visio and export it.
- Raw tabular data: Generate inventory report, export to CSV, and save.