View and edit nodes and node details
You can view node details by hovering the mouse cursor over a node. To view more detailed node information, right-click a node and select Node Properties.
You can edit the node name, change the Node Role or Polling IP Address from dropdown lists; and review information on the discovered IP Address(es), Hostname, System Name, System Description, Machine Type, Vendor, System Location, Contact, and Polling Method.
You can review the node’s Interface Data, including the ARP cache related to MAC/IP Address matches.
And you can review the node’s VLAN Data: the name, status, and interfaces for each VLAN for which the node is configured.
By default NTM uses node names for map displays. To select the node information displayed on maps, click Node Display Options on the left option bar.
To enable any of the Node Display Options, select the check box next to the option name. The map updates when the check boxes are selected.
- By default, NTM displays up to 22 characters in a node name. If you need to increase the number of available characters, adjust the value of NTMMapNodeNameLength parameter in SolarWinds.NTM.Client.exe.config (Program Files\SolarWinds\Network Topology Mapper).
- Options can only be selected one at a time. Allow the map to update a selected option before selecting an additional option.