Find the switch and port where a particular hostname, IP, or MAC address is or was connected
Suppose you need to find the switch and port where a particular hostname, IP, or MAC address is now or has been connected to respond to a security or network problem.
From the Device Tracker Summary page:
- Click the dropdown button
after the search box in the upper right, and select the identifying method to be used for the search.
You can select multiple methods, although this will slow down your search.
MAC addresses can be entered with or without formatting.
- Enter the identifier. You can enter the full name or address of the item, or use asterisks as wildcards.
An asterisk can be substituted anywhere in the search for one or more characters. For example:
laptop-01* will find laptop-011, and laptop-01223
laptop-0*2 will find laptop-002, laptop-012 and laptop-01232
- Press Enter or click the search button
to begin the search.
- If a single result is returned, the details page for the item is displayed.
If multiple results are returned, click on the required result to display the details page.