Rogue Devices, the White List, and the Watch List
SolarWinds User Device Tracker (UDT) enables you to quickly detect devices that are accessing your network that should not be or that you want to investigate further. You can mark those that are allowed access or ignore them completely.
Rogue devices: Devices that are expected to be accessing your network. They are on neither the Watch nor the White lists. This usually means they have not been encountered before and you will have to determine whether they are to be permitted access or not.
Watched devices: Devices you want to monitor.
Safe devices: Devices for which access to the network has been approved. A device is marked as safe by adding it to the white list.
White list: The list of devices that have been approved to access your network. This list can contain specific devices or rules that define devices.
The white list is actually two lists:
- Included list: The devices on this list comply to one or more rule determining they belong on the network. Devices in this list are considered safe devices.
- Ignored list: These devices are ignored by UDT and all related data is ignored.
Watch list: The list of watched devices that are on the network, showing current connection details.