Documentation forSolarWinds Platform Self-Hosted

Log Analyzer alert variables for syslogs and traps

This topic applies only to the following products:


Log Analyzer has the following variables you can use in your alert messages for syslog and trap alerts.

New variables list

New variable Corresponding legacy variable Description
${N=OLM.AlertingMacros;M=OLMAlertMessage.Community} ${Community} Node community string
${N=OLM.AlertingMacros;M=Severity} ${Severity} Internationalized Syslog severity
${N=OLM.AlertingMacros;M=OLMAlertMessage.MessageType} ${MessageType} Name or type of trap triggered
${N=OLM.AlertingMacros;M=OLMAlertMessage.Raw} ${Raw} Raw numerical values for properties sent in the corresponding incoming trap.
${N=OLM.AlertingMacros;M=OLMAlertMessage.VbName1} ${vbName1}

Trap variable binding name

You can specify up to 10 varbinding names/values as macros. To do so, change the last digit to the requested value.

For example, to get the name of the fifth varbinding from the incoming trap, use this:


${N=OLM.AlertingMacros;M=OLMAlertMessage.VbData1} ${vbData1}

Trap variable binding value

You can specify up to 10 varbinding names/values as macros. To do so, change the last digit to the requested value.

For example, to get the fifth varbinding value from the incoming trap, use this:


Add Log Analyzer Variables

To access the variables when defining an alert message, click Insert Variables in the Alert wizard.

In the Select to Variable to Insert pop-up, select All variables in the first drop-down, select Variable Category in the Group by drop-down, and then select Log Analyzer Alert Message category.

Change the maximum limit for var bindings

By default, you can use up to 10 VarBindings as a variable. To change this value, you need Administrator rights.

In Advanced Settings, find LogManagement.RuleProcessing.Settings and change the value for AlertMaximumTrapVarBindings.