Documentation forWeb Help Desk
Important security updates are available for WHD. SolarWinds recommends you upgrade to version 12.8.3 Hotfix 3.

Configure an incoming email account

You can define the requirements for accepting email and initiating some of the automated email processes in the Incoming email Accounts screen.

If required, you can change the frequency that WHD checks for new email.

Configure a new account

  1. Click Setup > email > Incoming Mail Accounts.
  2. Click New.
  3. Select the checkbox to enable Web Help Desk to create tickets from email sent to this email account.

  4. Click Make Default to set this account as your default incoming mail account. This account can be edited but not deleted.

  5. Enter the email address used by Web Help Desk to create new tickets. After an email is retrieved and converted to a ticket, the email is deleted from the mail account.

    To prevent WHD from sending nonstop ticket updates, use a real email address. Do not use an alias.

  6. Select the account type used for your incoming mail account.

  7. Follow the procedure below for your IMAP, POP3, or Exchange/Office 365 account type.

Configure an IMAP account

  1. Select the check box to enable Web Help Desk to download the full email from the email server rather than specific parts of the email.

  2. Select an authentication mode.

    Select OAuth to allow users to access their resources without providing a password. Select Basic to prompt users to provide a user name and password.

    To set up OAuth authentication mode, complete the following fields.

    Field / Button Description
    Client ID

    Enter a public identifier used by the application.

    This ID must be unique across all clients managed by the authentication server

    Client Secret

    Enter a hidden identifier used by the application and authorization servers to generate an access token.

    This ID protects your resources by only granting access tokens to authorized clients.


    Click Authorize to redirect the web browser to the Microsoft login page.

    After Web Help Desk is authorized, the web browser redirects back to the following address:

    To prevent the authorization process from failing, make sure you access Web Help Desk using this URL.

    To set up Basic authentication mode, complete the following fields.

    Field Description
    Incoming Mail Server

    Enter the IP address or host name of the mail server.

    Use 143 (default) or select the SSL checkbox to use secure port 993

    User Name

    Enter the user name for the incoming mail account.


    Password Enter the password for the incoming mail account.
  3. Complete the configuration.

Configure a POP3 account

Complete the following fields for a POP3 account. When you are finished, complete the configuration.

Field Description
Incoming Mail Server

Enter the IP address or host name of the mail server.

Use 110 (default) or select the SSL checkbox to use secure port 995.

User Name Enter the user name for the incoming mail account.
Password Enter the password for the incoming mail account.

Configure an Exchange/Office 365 account

  1. Verify that Exchange Web Services is enabled on the Microsoft Exchange server.

    If your Exchange server does not support Exchange Web Services, used to access an Exchange mailbox, enable the IMAP or POP3 protocol on your Exchange server and select the corresponding account type.

  2. Select an authentication mode.

    Select OAuth to allow users to access their resources without providing a password. Select Basic to prompt users to provide a user name and password.

    To set up OAuth authentication mode, complete the following fields.

    Field / Button Description
    Incoming Mail Server This field is completed for you. No user intervention is required.
    Tenant ID

    Enter a globally unique identifier (GUID) that provides access to an environment containing services. This ID is different from your tenant or domain name.

    Client ID

    Enter a public identifier used by the application. This ID must be unique across all clients managed by the authentication server.

    To prevent phishing attacks from unauthorized users, consider using a 32-bit hexadecimal string to generate a client ID.

    Client Secret Enter a hidden identifier used by the application and authorization servers to generate an access token. This ID protects your resources by only granting access tokens to authorized clients.

    Click Authorize to redirect the web browser to the Microsoft login page.

    After Web Help Desk is authorized, the web browser redirects back to the following address:

    To prevent the authorization process from failing, make sure you access Web Help Desk using this URL.

    To set up Basic authentication mode, complete the following fields.

    Field Description
    Incoming Mail Server

    Enter the IP address or host name of the mail server.

    Use 110 (default) or select the SSL checkbox to use secure port 995.

    Domain\User Name

    Enter the user name for the incoming mail account.

    For an Exchange account, you can also prepend the domain to the user name separated by a backslash character.

    For example:


    Password Enter the password for the incoming mail account.
  3. Compete the configuration.

Complete the configuration

  1. Web Help Desk uses the inbox folder to retrieve new messages. If you plan to pre-filter or process message before passing them to the folder monitored by the application, change the INBOX name to another name.

  2. Click the drop-down menu and select the outgoing mail account used to send mail for this email account. This can include automated replies to email sent to this account or tickets with a request type that matches what is linked to this account.

  3. Click the drop-down menu and select the tech group used to filter the available request types listed in the Request Type menu.

    New tickets created from this email account will be given the request type you select.

  4. Click the drop-down menu and select the request type that will assign tickets created from this email account.

    Ensure that the request type is supported by the selected tech group.

    See the Request Types Supported tab at Setup > Techs > Tech Groups > [Tech Group] for a list of supported request types.
  5. Leave this check box blank. If your email server fails incoming email tests, you can use this option for troubleshooting. Click the tooltip for details.

  6. Leave this field blank. If your email server fails incoming email tests, you can use this field for troubleshooting. Click the tooltip for details.

  7. Click Save.

Enable WHD to create tickets from incoming email

  1. Log in to the Web Help Desk Admin Console.
  2. Click Setup > email > Incoming Mail Accounts.
  3. Click the default email account.
  4. Select the Enable email Tickets checkbox.

  5. Verify that the administrator email address is correct.
  6. In the User Name field, enter your administrator details in one of the following formats:

    • domain\admin
  7. Verify that the Request Type option is correct.

    This is a required field. All tickets generated from email will always be created with the selected request type.
  8. Click Save.

Below is an example of an incoming email account configured to create tickets from incoming email. In this example, domain\admin is the user name.

Troubleshooting connection issues

If you receive an error when you save your Exchange incoming email account, do the following:

  1. Access your Exchange server and verify that Server Manager > Tools > Exchange Server IIS Manager > EWS > Basic Authentication is set to Enabled.
  2. If SSL is enabled, ensure that your security certificate (self-signed or CA-issued) to the local Java's trusted certificates.
  3. When you are finished, save the incoming mail email account again.

Related topics

Configure an incoming email account for Microsoft 365