Configure SolarWinds VNQM settings
The following steps guide you through the process of configuring VNQM on the VoIP and Network Quality Manager Settings page.
VoIP and Network Quality Manager maintains default values for these settings. If you want to use the default settings, click Restore Defaults.
- Log in to the SolarWinds Platform Web Console as an administrator.
- Click Settings > All Settings.
- Under Product Specific Settings, click VoIP & Network Quality (VNQM) Settings.
- Under Details, click Edit VoIP & Network Quality Manager settings.
- To use a port other than the default for simulated VoIP traffic, enter your preferred port in the VoIP UDP Port field.
- Select the VoIP Jitter Codec you are using for your VoIP network. For more information about jitter codecs, see Jitter in SolarWinds VNQM.
- Enter a CallManager Polling Interval in minutes to specify how often you want to collect your call manager data.
VoIP and Network Quality Manager measures the performance of your network by periodically sending test packets over defined paths. VoIP and Network Quality Manager measures the performance of your network in transmitting these test packets. The period between measurements is referred to as the polling interval. As network sizes and VoIP server performance vary, you may have to try a number of different intervals to achieve the necessary balance between server processing load and data resolution.
- Enter the period of time, in days, to retain Network Service Assurance operation statistics in the Network Service Assurance Data Retention field.
VoIP and Network Quality Manager stores statistics regarding the performance of your VoIP network in your database. The length of time this data is retained is configurable, allowing you to balance database maintenance with Network Service Assurance requirements. As network sizes and VoIP server performance vary, you may have to try different retention periods to achieve the necessary balance between database memory allocation and data retention.
- Enter a value for the MOS Advantage Factor.
The advantage factor measures on a scale of 0 to 20 the willingness of VoIP network users to trade call quality for convenience. For example, a cellular telephone is more convenient than a wired telephone, so some loss of call quality due to compression over a cellular phone network, as compared to call quality over a wired phone network, is acceptable to most users. This distinction is reflected in a higher advantage factor for a cellular phone network than for a wired phone network. For more information, see Mean Opinion Score (MOS) in SolarWinds VNQM.
- Provide a value for the Type of Service (ToS) octet to set the precedence of VoIP traffic on your network.
The ToS octet is a decimal value (0-255) that sets the precedence for VoIP traffic monitored with Network Service Assurance operations. The default ToS value used by VNQM is 184, corresponding to Expedited Forwarding (EF) per hop behavior (PHB) and a Differentiated Service Code Point (DSCP) value of 46. For more information about the ToS octet, see Set the traffic precedence in SolarWinds VNQM.
- Select Operations in running configurations to view all new operations created by VNQM in the running configurations on Cisco devices. You cannot view VNQM operations created with CLI credentials.
- Enter the call termination codes that you want to represent successfully completed calls in Successful call termination codes.
- Enter the time period that you want to wait before ending the CDR/CMR job in hh:mm:ss format in the CDR/CMR job timeout field.
- Select whether you want to enable the detection of Avaya™ Call Managers. If the Avaya Call Manager Detection option is enabled, VNQM automatically detects Avaya Call Managers when you add call managers through the Add Call Manager wizard. For more information about adding Avaya Call Managers, see Add Avaya Call Manager devices to SolarWinds VNQM. If you use a load balancer, it is recommended that you disable this option, and add the load balancer directly to VNQM.
- Enter the VoIP Gateway Polling Interval in minutes to specify how often the status of your VoIP gateways and their calls should be checked.
- Enter a value for the VoIP Gateway Critical Threshold in percent to specify when you want to be warned that the channel utilization of your gateways is critical.
- Enter a value for the VoIP Gateway Warning Threshold in percent to specify when you want to be warned that the channel utilization of your gateways is high.
- Specify how long your VoIP gateway statistics should be retained in the VoIP Gateway Retention Period field.
- Click Save after you have finished configuring your settings.