Documentation forVoIP & Network Quality Manager
Monitoring VoIP and network quality is a key capability of SolarWinds Observability Self-Hosted (formerly Hybrid Cloud Observability) and is available in the Essentials edition.

Edit call managers

In VoIP and Network Quality Manager you can edit the properties of your call manager nodes.

You can edit the following properties:

  • Node name and polling address
  • Polling Details (polling method, polling intervals and engines, CDR/CMR polling settings)
  • Dependencies
  • Custom properties
  • Call Manager specific details (AXL credentials, FTP server settings, polling frequency)
  • Alerting thresholds

For more information about editing node properties, see Edit node properties.

To edit call manager specific settings:

  1. Log in to the SolarWinds Platform Web Console as an administrator.
  2. Click Settings > All Settings.
  3. Under Product Specific Settings, click VoIP & Network Quality (VNQM) Settings.
  4. Click Manage CallManager Nodes.
  5. Select the call manager node you want to modify, and click Edit CallManagers. This opens the Edit Properties page where you can edit the following call manager specific details, depending on the type of call manager.
    • For Cisco® CallManagers:

      Call Manager CDR/CMR Polling

      Select Enable CDR/CMR polling for this Call Manager to collect information about calls on this CallManager.

      SIP Polling Settings

      Select Enable AXL SIP Trunk Polling for this Call Manager to collect information about SIP Trunks on this CallManager.

      AXL Credentials

      Select the appropriate settings from the Select AXL Credentials list or define new credentials.

      Make sure the VNQM AXL Application User has the following roles:

      • Standard AXL API Access
      • Standard CCM Admin Users
      • Standard SERVICEABILITY Administration

        By default, only the Standard CCM Super Users Access Control Group has the Standard SERVICEABILITY Administration role. If you don't want the users to have that much access to your Cisco CallManager, you have to create a new Access Control Group in CUCM with only the roles that the SolarWinds VNQM user actually needs. For more details, see Manage User Access in CUCM (© 2018 Cisco, available at, obtained on October 1, 2018).

      FTP Server Settings

      Enter or edit details about the FTP server where your CDR/CMR data is stored. For more information about FTP configuration, see Configure Cisco CallManagers for FTP.

      FTP Server
      Enter or edit the FTP server IP address.

      Enter or edit the FTP port number.

      Passive mode
      Select this option to connect to the FTP server in passive mode.

      Secure Connection
      Select this option if you connect to an SFTP site.

      CDR/CMR file path
      Enter or edit these details if appropriate.

      FTP Credentials:
      Add or edit your FTP credentials.

      To define a new set of FTP Credentials:

      • Enter a name in Select FTP Credentials.
      • Enter the user name in FTP Username.
      • Enter the password in FTP Password.

      Polling Frequency: Enter a number between 1 and 60 to configure how frequently you want to poll the FTP server in minutes.

      Delete CDR/CMR files from FTP server after download: Select this option to delete CDR/CMR files from the FTP server if the hard drive is becoming full or if you need to speed up data collection from the FTP server.

      Deleting CDR/CMR files from the FTP server may cause serious data loss. Ensure that your backups are running successfully before selecting this option.

    • For Avaya™ Communication and Media Servers:

      Call Manager CDR/CQR Polling

      Select Enable CDR/CQR polling for this Call Manager to collect information about calls on this Call Manager.

      Call Manager CLI Credentials

      Select the appropriate settings from the Select Credentials list, or define new credentials.

      To define a new set of CLI Credentials:

      • Enter the user name and password in the associated fields.
      • In the Advanced section, you can define the protocol, the port number, and the connection timeout.

  6. Edit the appropriate details, and click Submit.