Documentation forNetwork Performance Monitor
Monitoring network performance is a key capability of Hybrid Cloud Observability and is also available in a standalone module, Network Performance Monitor (NPM). Hybrid Cloud Observability and NPM are built on the self-hosted SolarWinds Platform.

Volume Capacity Forecast

This widget is available on node detail views, and provides the information about the volume usage trend on the node.

Cannot see correct data?

Make sure the following requirements are met:

  • Orion needs at least 7 days of historical data to calculate the forecast.
  • The node on whose view you place this widget must have at least one volume managed in the SolarWinds Platform database.

Table legend

Column Explanation
Resource List of volumes mounted on the node.
Last 7 days

The average usage trend in the past 7 days.

The value is provided in percent points. An arrow icon indicates whether the trend is rising or falling.


The current value defined as the warning threshold (either the general threshold, or the customized threshold), and the calculated time in which the threshold will be reached.

If the threshold is already overstepped, the label reads Now, and the column background turns yellow.


The current value defined as the critical threshold (general Orion threshold or the threshold customized for the node), and the calculated time in which the threshold will be reached.

If the threshold is already overstepped, the label reads Now, and the column background turns red.

At capacity

A forecast of time in which the volume will be fully used, calculated by the selected method; in days.

Change title and subtitle

Click Edit, adjust the labels, and click Submit.

Change capacity forecasting method and thresholds