Documentation forHybrid Cloud Observability

Hybrid Cloud Observability 2024.4 release notes

Hybrid Cloud Observability RC documentation - The following content is a draft for a release candidate. All content subject to change. Some links might not function yet.

These release notes contain a description of features and functionality that SolarWinds intends to deliver in the next generally available release. However, SolarWinds reserves the right to remove, or otherwise elect not to deliver, such features and functionality from the final generally available release, and this is not a commitment of delivery.

RC release date: September 5, 2024

Here's what's new in Hybrid Cloud Observability 2024.4.

Hybrid Cloud Observability runs on the SolarWinds Platform.

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New features and improvements in Hybrid Cloud Observability

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Hybrid Cloud Observability 2024.4 includes the new features in version 2024.4 of the SolarWinds Platform. For more information, see the SolarWinds Platform 2024.4 Release Notes.

Increased support for Azure database monitoring

Create new Azure cloud entities - Azure SQL Managed Instance, Azure PostgreSQL, and Azure MySQL DB - and visualize Azure database instances in context of all the other Hybrid Cloud Observability resources. You can now discover, monitor, and drill down into the database instance details. This provides greater visibility into application stacks running in the cloud.

Additional Azure monitoring improvements in Hybrid Cloud Observability include:

  • The Cloud Discovery Wizard now allows you to filter Azure databases by tag and monitor only the resulting databases.
  • Retention settings can now be applied to Azure databases.
  • Data polling is improved to handle multiple pages of Azure responses, removing the previous limit of monitoring 1000 databases per Azure account.

Support for Amazon RDS for SQL server

Visualize Amazon RDS for SQL Server instances in context of all the other Hybrid Cloud Observability resources. Using Hybrid Cloud Observability cloud monitoring, you can discover and monitor Amazon RDS for SQL Server services to gain greater visibility of Amazon RDS for SQL Server services including statuses and key metrics.

Cloud dashboard improvements

Hybrid Cloud Observability provides updated and expanded summary dashboards for cloud entities using the modern dashboard design. In the AWS Cloud Dashboard, click the Compute tab to see a new dashboard showing information for all monitored AWS virtual machines. On the Azure Cloud Overview and Network pages in the modern dashboard, you can use Global Filters to show information from only selected Azure accounts.


All editions of Hybrid Cloud Observability can deploy Additional Web Servers

For Hybrid Cloud Observability Standard Edition (Essentials and Advanced), you can now deploy Additional Web Servers. After upgrading, you will need to deactivate and reactivate your Hybrid Cloud Observability license. This capability is already included with the Enterprise Scale Edition license.

Security Observability improvements added to Hybrid Cloud Observability Advanced

Security Observability combines information across NCM vulnerability screens and CVE database configs, providing you with a unified experience on vulnerability widgets and dashboards.


Scalability for Additional Polling Engines increased by 50%

For Hybrid Cloud Observability Enterprise Scale customers, Additional Polling Engines scalability has been increased from 48K elements to 72K elements for SNMPv2 polling. This does not impact the Main Polling Engine, which stays at 48K elements.

Additional tests for SNMPv3 and WMI are in process, and improvements to polling will be added as they are available.


Case number Description

Attempting to run any out-of-the-box NTA report from EOC no longer fails with the message Report resource failed to properly initialize.


When the Top 25 Volumes widget is added to an EOC page, data is no longer duplicated.


In the VMware vRealize Orchestrator Integration settings, selecting the Create package option downloads the file instead of displaying an error message.


When the trap service receives a trap with a varbind that contains an OID with the value 0.0, it accept the value as null. It no longer tries to query the sending device for the value.

01388174, 01546661

The log management potion of database maintenance performance was improved to prevent failures due to timeouts.


Firmware vulnerability updates correctly identify the release numbers of Juniper Junos devices.

01719082, 01735059

The Last Config Backup Date widget on the Config Summary view no longer shows a different value than the Last Backup Date on the Configuration Management view in certain situations. Both values reflect the last attempted download time.


To save job results to a non-default location, you must provide credentials to give NCM write access. If you change only the default file name and then revoke write access, the following error message no longer appears when you edit the job:

Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.


NCM made improvements to prevent slow performance in the web console.


Out-of-the-box firmware upgrade templates and config change templates are no longer duplicated each time a user upgrades or re-runs the Configuration Wizard.


When an inventory scan runs, the C:\ProgramData\SolarWinds\Collector\Logs\Collector.Service.txt file no longer contains the following arithmetic overflow error when NCM writes data to the NCM_CiscoFlash table:

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int.
The statement has been terminated.


If a config change report specifies that an email should be sent only when there are changes, and the job runs but there are no changes, the report no longer generates the message Emailed report (when no email was sent). The report now generates the message No changes were detected. An email will not be sent.


The SolarWinds SCP server, which is installed with NCM, now has DSA, RSA, and ECDSA public key lengths that are long enough to be considered secure.

01564677, 01620675, 01622925

Database maintenance no longer fails due to deadlocks in the Wireless_Nodes_DeleteOrphans stored procedure.

01688612, 01716733

NetPath alerts no longer hang when you attempt to open the Trigger Condition tab,


Site-to-site tunnel polling has been improved. Problematic OID data no longer prevents SolarWinds from processing and displaying other data.


Due to performance improvements for charts that display trend lines, widgets load quickly and no longer seem unresponsive.

01506801, 01564711, 01640435, 01716419

When a Palo Alto device that is polled through the REST API has an invalid certificate and a user accepts the certificate, the following message is no longer displayed:

The Palo Alto polling credentials you entered are invalid and will not be saved.


The NTA application definition list is no longer removed during an upgrade, which resulted in missing NTA application data.


NTA no longer shows a doubled amount of data for Checkpoint devices when the interface index is the same.


When the IP address group name is selected, reports no longer run slowly or time out.

01552196, 01554588

SAM identifies Virtual Host entities being monitored as nodes. This enables users to assign a template to a dynamic group based on Virtual Hosts entities.

01608399, 01680208

Hovering over an item on a modern dashboard or an Intelligent Map displays the URL of the associated details page, not a SWIS URI, and clicking the link opens the correct page.


The Manage Views page no longer displays duplicate view names that cannot be edited.

01483230. 01622942

The SSL Certificate Expiration Date template no longer shows a message that a certificate has expired when the certificate is valid.

01544782, 01592527, 01592659

Windows PowerShell Component Monitor data is written to the database and displayed in the UI.


Monitoring an AWS cloud account no longer fills the Collector.Service.log with errors.


The Details View column on the Manage Templates page and the Customize Page view display custom template names correctly.


If a container monitor returns an HTTP status code other than 200 or 401, the response is handled without an exception.

00268889, 01507671

SNMP polling on certain Dell nodes during asset inventory no longer fails with the following error:

SolarWinds.Orion.Pollers.Framework.SNMP.SnmpResponseException: Error 31005 - Generic Error

01525919The UDT_PortToEndpointCurrent table was updated to prevent select operations from causing deadlocks.

Multi-step management actions on Hyper-V devices no longer fail.

01013639, 01453207

When a monitored node is a virtual machine on a Hyper-V host, the Percent Disk Space Used' widget on the node detail view shows only data about the virtual machine, It no longer shows data about the Hyper-V host.


A value greater than 2,147,483,645 for the number of calls attempted no longer prevents database maintenance from completing successfully.

01719151, 01727623

The IP SLA Operation Details page no longer times out when attempting to display a large amount of data.


Operation discovery no longer fails if a Cisco device does not have CLI-based operations.


Cisco Gateway devices are polled correctly, and data is saved without errors such as the following:

Unexpected exception during storing AXL gateway regions for NodeId #<nodeNumber>.


Regions and CMR data is displayed for historic calls.



Hawaii Standard Time (HST) is no longer excluded from the ipsla.timezones.xml file.


Displaying the percentile value for several IP SLA charts no longer fails with exceptions such as:

Exception occured during calculation Percentile value for chart 'VoipMMAvgPacketLoss'. Exception - System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Invalid column name 'AvgValue'. Invalid column name 'AvgValue'.

Installation or upgrade

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For new SolarWinds Platform deployments, download the installation file from the Hybrid Cloud Observability product page on or from the Customer Portal. For more information, see Get the installer.

To activate Hybrid Cloud Observability in an existing SolarWinds Platform deployment, use the License Manager.

For upgrades, go to Settings > My Deployment to initiate the upgrade. The SolarWinds Installer upgrades your entire deployment (all SolarWinds Platform products and any scalability engines).

For more information, see the SolarWinds Platform Product Installation and Upgrade Guide.

For supported upgrade paths to 2024.4, see Upgrade an existing deployment.

End of life

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Version EoL announcement EoE effective date EoL effective date
2022.4 June 4, 2024: End-of-Life (EoL) announcement – Customers on Hybrid Cloud Observability 2022.4 should begin transitioning to the latest version Hybrid Cloud Observability. July 4, 2024: End-of-Engineering (EoE) – Service releases, bug fixes, workarounds, and service packs for Hybrid Cloud Observability 2022.4 will no longer be supported by SolarWinds. July 4, 2025: End-of-Life –SolarWinds will no longer provide technical support for Hybrid Cloud Observability 2022.4.
2022.3 February 6, 2024: End-of-Life (EoL) announcement – Customers on Hybrid Cloud Observability 2022.3 should begin transitioning to the latest version Hybrid Cloud Observability. March 7, 2024: End-of-Engineering (EoE) – Service releases, bug fixes, workarounds, and service packs for Hybrid Cloud Observability 2022.3 will no longer be supported by SolarWinds. March 7, 2025: End-of-Life –SolarWinds will no longer provide technical support for Hybrid Cloud Observability 2022.3.
2022.2 November 1, 2023: End-of-Life (EoL) announcement – Customers on Hybrid Cloud Observability 2022.2 should begin transitioning to the latest version Hybrid Cloud Observability. December 1, 2023: End-of-Engineering (EoE) – Service releases, bug fixes, workarounds, and service packs for Hybrid Cloud Observability 2022.2 will no longer be supported by SolarWinds. December 1, 2024: End-of-Life –SolarWinds will no longer provide technical support for Hybrid Cloud Observability 2022.2.

See the End of Life Policy for information about SolarWinds product life cycle phases. To see EoL dates for earlier Hybrid Cloud Observability versions, see Hybrid Cloud Observability release history.

End of support

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This version of Hybrid Cloud Observability no longer supports the following platforms and features.

Type Details
MAPI User Experience Monitor MAPI User Experience Monitor, a component monitor that can be added to an application template, is unsupported as of SAM 2024.4. You should avoid expanded use of this feature and formulate a plan to discontinue using the feature.

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