Documentation forServer & Application Monitor
Monitoring your applications and environment is a key capability of Hybrid Cloud Observability and is also available in a standalone module, Server & Application Monitor (SAM). Hybrid Cloud Observability and SAM are built on the self-hosted SolarWinds Platform.

System Information

This topic also applies to SolarWinds SCM, which supports Asset Inventory polling.

This SAM widget provides a general overview of the selected node. It appears on the Asset Inventory view of the Node Details page if the Monitor Asset Inventory in SAM is enabled for a node.

  • To refresh data in this widget, click Poll Now to force all Asset Inventory data to be polled immediately.
  • To navigate to the Node Details view of the current node, click the link in the System Name field.

When the listed machine is Microsoft Hyper-V virtual hardware, certain fields are populated with VM-related information. Because SAM collects physical enclosure information from this class when using WMI, the following fields may read as follows:
  • Manufacturer will read, "Microsoft."
  • Model will read, “Virtual Machine.”
  • Serial Number will read a GUID string.

Fields on this widget include:


  • Last Inventory Collection: Date and time when data was last polled.
  • System Name: Name of the current node.
  • Host Name: Name of the current host. This only applies to Windows hosts polled via WMI.
  • Domain/Workgroup Name: Name of the domain or workgroup this node belongs to.
  • DNS: The DNS name of the current node. The IP address of the node can change while the DNS name remains the same.
  • Domain Role: The role of the current node. This only applies to Windows hosts polled via WMI
  • IP Address: The IP address of the current node.
  • Dynamic IP: Indicates if the current IP address is dynamic or static.


  • Asset Type: The current node as a specific type of hardware.
  • Hardware: The hardware status as being either physical or virtual.
  • Manufacturer: The company that produced this hardware.
  • Model: The model number of the hardware, as defined by the manufacturer. This only applies to physical nodes.
  • Serial Number/Service Tag: The serial number of the current node. This only applies to physical nodes.
  • Warranty Status: The warranty information about the current node with a link to that vendor's site. This only applies to physical Dell, HP, or IBM servers that include third-party agent software. See Display the warranty status for physical servers in SAM.

    One alert is included for Warranty Status: Alert me when a node warranty expires in 30 days. It is disabled, by default.

  • Location: The geographical location of the current node.
  • Device Time Zone: The time zone set in the system. This only applies to Windows nodes polled via WMI.

Operating System

  • Operating System: The operating system (OS) of the current node.
  • OS Version: The current version of the OS.
  • OS Architecture: The design (32- or 64-bit) of the OS.
  • OS Language: The language the current OS is using on the current node.
  • Service Pack: The current service pack installed on the OS. This only applies to Windows nodes polled via WMI.
  • Last Boot: The date of the last boot for the current node.
  • Last Logged in User: The last user to log in on the current node. This only applies to Windows nodes polled via WMI.
  • Firewall Status: The built-in Windows firewall is currently enabled on the node. This only applies to Windows nodes polled via WMI.
  • Hardware Agent: The Hardware Monitoring agent software currently installed on the node.