Documentation forServer & Application Monitor
Monitoring your applications and environment is a key capability of Hybrid Cloud Observability and is also available in a standalone module, Server & Application Monitor (SAM). Hybrid Cloud Observability and SAM are built on the self-hosted SolarWinds Platform.

Manage Assigned Application Monitors page

Use the Manage Assigned Application Monitors page to view, edit, or delete SAM application monitors (also called "applications") that are assigned to nodes.

New to SAM application monitors? Watch Templates Explained and Managing Assigned Application Monitors for quick overviews.

To access this page in the SolarWinds Platform Web Console:

  1. Click SAM > Settings.
  2. Under Product Specific Settings, click SAM Settings.
  3. On the SAM Settings page, click Manage Application Monitors.

This page displays the following details about assigned application monitors:

  • Assigned Application Monitor: The application name displayed in the SolarWinds Platform Web Console for the application monitor.
  • Node: The node to which an application is assigned.
  • Assigned to Group: The groups of nodes that an application is assigned to.
  • Licensed Components: The number of licenses consumed by the application.
  • Active Components: The number of component monitors currently collecting data for the application monitor from a node.
  • Application Monitor Template: The parent template upon which an application is based.
  • Status: Indicates if an application is managed and actively collecting data, or unmanaged (not collecting data).
  • Details Views: Click a link to display more information about an application on a Details view (for example, the AppInsight for IIS Details view).
  • Created: The date an application monitor was assigned to a node.

Available actions

  • Click Edit Properties to modify an application.

  • Click Unmanage to specify a time interval during which an application will not be monitored.

  • Click Remanage to resume monitoring of an unmanaged application immediately.

  • Click Delete to remove an application from a node.

    If you delete an application monitor, related data is removed during the next SolarWinds Platform database maintenance period. To stop polling but retain data, unmanage the application instead.

  • Click Manage Assigned Component Monitors to view and manage all component monitors used by assigned application monitors.

Use Active Components data on the Manage Assigned Application Monitors page to troubleshoot heavy polling loads

Starting in SAM 2020.2.6, you can use the new Active Components column on the Manage Assigned Application Monitors page to gain insight into scalability by determining how many component monitors are polling on behalf of individual application monitors.

This data can be useful if analyzing heavy polling loads for AppInsight applications, which consume licenses at a fixed rate in environments with component-based licensing. The following example shows that a Microsoft IIS application monitor based on the AppInsight for IIS template only consumes 30 licenses, but 152 component monitors contribute to polling loads.

The difference in Licensed Components and Active Components values is due to the complexity of AppInsight applications; more component monitors poll for data than are licensed. Each component monitor that polls for data consumes memory and CPU resources that contributes to polling loads so the Active Components value may be more useful for large environments that leverage AppInsight.