Unique Visitors (Classic Chart)
This widget provides a chart reporting the number of unique IP addresses that have communicated over the network during a specified period of time.
When placed on the Node Details or Interface Details view, the widget provides a chart reporting the number of unique IP addresses that have communicated with the viewed node or interface.
A custom endpoint-centric version of this widget, called Unique Visitors (Endpoint Centric), can also be placed on the NetFlow Node Details or Interface Details view, providing a view of the unique IP addresses with which the viewed node or interface has communicated during the selected period of time. For more information about adding endpoint-centric widgets, see Add endpoint-centric widgets to NTA views.
Edit the widget
If you are logged in using a User ID with administrative privileges, you can change the way this widget is displayed for all users:
- Click Edit to go to the Edit widget page.
- Make the appropriate changes.
- Click Submit.
Edit the widget for the current session
You can change the contents and looks of the widget for the current session only. After you leave the view, your changes will be lost and default settings applied.
Chart Style and Data Units
- In the Data drop-down, select the appropriate chart style (Area Chart or Pie Chart).
- If you have selected the Area Chart type, you can further select what data you want to display by the widget.
- In the Data Units drop-down, select the appropriate unit.
Time Period and Flows Direction
To change the time period and Flows direction shown by all widgets in the view, click next to the appropriate setting below the view name and define the settings.
For more information about time settings, see Edit time settings for NTA views.
For more information about Flow direction settings, seeEdit flow direction in NTA views.