NetFlow Applications Summary view
This view provides insight into the traffic associated with applications monitored by NTA.
To display traffic details related to a specified application, see NetFlow Application View.
Access the Applications Summary View
- Click My Dashboards > NetFlow > Apps.
- This view displays top applications monitored by NTA in your network.
- Select the application type in the Top XX Applications widget.
- This view displays applications for only the selected type in the summary.
Default widgets
The following widgets are available by default in the NetFlow Applications Summary view:
- Top XX Applications
- NetFlow Sources
- Top XX NetFlow Sources by % Utilization
- Last XX Traffic Analyzer Events
Customize views
You can add or remove widgets on your views, change the time period, and change the flow direction settings shown by widgets on the view:
- Click Customize Page to add widgets not present in the default view. For more information, see Edit views.
- Click the arrow under the view title designating the time period applied to all default view widgets to change the time period. For more details, see Edit time settings for NTA views.
- If you are viewing endpoint data at the interface level, you also have the option to designate the direction of the selected endpoint traffic over the interface you are monitoring. For more information, see Edit flow direction in NTA views.
Widgets added to a custom view may not be subject to the time period and flow direction controls.
Further controls on the view
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NetFlow Settings
Access settings relevant for collecting and displaying your Flow and CBQoS data.
Flow Navigator
For more details about searching for certain data or filtering the view, see Search and filter tools.