Documentation forWeb Performance Monitor

TCP Waterfall chart

The TCP Waterfall Chart displays data for a transaction both cumulatively and sequentially, measured in milliseconds (ms).

Use this widget, available on the Step Details view, to determine how each requested element affects page load performance, so you can identify elements that slow down playback. The stub at the left of the chart shows the element of the transaction being loaded, while the times for each element are shown to the right, color-coded in graphical form. A color-based legend appears at the bottom of the chart.

To display the TCP Waterfall widget for a specific step in the SolarWinds Platform Web Console:

  1. Click My Dashboards > Web > Transactions Summary to open the Transactions Summary view.
  2. In the All Transactions widget on the Transactions Summary view, click the transaction that includes the step to open the Transaction Details view.
  3. On the Transactions Details view, click the step in the Step Duration widget to open the Step Details view.

Note the following details about this chart:

  • This chart only shows data from the last playback.
  • This chart is interactive. Click an item in the stub of the TCP Waterfall Chart to go to that item (for example, a web page), or hover over an item to display details in a tooltip.
  • Values are rounded off on this chart so they may vary from more exact values shown in tooltips.

The following table describes terms that appear in the legend of the TCP Waterfall chart:

Term Description

DNS lookup

The time it takes for the browser to look up the domain name of the requested object.


The time to establish a TCP connection, at which point data starts to transfer. (Also known as a "three-way handshake.")


The time for sending the request to the server. This statistic is helpful to measure POST data.

Time to first byte

The time between when the request is sent to the server and the first response data are received from the server (that is, the time the browser spends waiting on the web server to send the data back). This time is usually higher for the dynamically-generated content, such as aspx/php/jsp pages.

Content download

The time it takes for the whole content to be sent from server to the browser.

3xx HTTP Status Codes

Indicates a request that returned a 3xx HTTP status code, indicating automatically forwarding or redirection to another widget (URL) without interaction from the user.

4xx, 5xx HTTP Status Codes

Indicates a request that returned a 4xx or 5xx HTTP status code.

  • 4xx codes are received in the server response when there is an error in the request from the client.
  • 5xx codes are returned by the web server when it encounters a problem during processing of the requested widget by the client.

Available customization

Click Edit to change the following widget attributes:

  • Title/Subtitle: The title and the subtitle of the widget.
  • Maximum Number of Items to Display: Specify how many items appear in the widget.