Documentation forSolarWinds Platform Self-Hosted

Legacy Report Migration Tool

This topic applies to all SolarWinds Platform products.

If you have customized Orion Report Writer reports in Orion Platform 2020.2.6 or earlier, use the Legacy Report Migration Tool to migrate the reports to the web.

Legacy Report Migration Tool requires Orion Platform 2020.2.6 or earlier. Migrate all legacy reports before you upgrade your deployment.

In SolarWinds Hybrid Cloud Observability 2022.2, everything related to legacy reports is removed:

  • Legacy reports are not be available anywhere.
  • All tools related to legacy reports, such as Legacy Report Migration Tool or Report Writer Desktop Tool, are removed.
  • Widgets related to legacy reports are removed from the SolarWinds Platform Web Console.

Migrated reports are only available to Orion Administrators. Before you make migrated reports available to your users, review that the migrated report shows the required data. Then, apply a limitation category to the report to ensure that the report is available for all or only for specific users.

Migrate custom legacy reports to web-based reports

  1. Log in to the server hosting your main polling engine.

  2. Start the Legacy Report Migration Tool. Click Start > All Programs > SolarWinds Orion > Report Writer Migration Tool.

  3. Find the report(s) to migrate.

    • To only migrate specific legacy reports, use the Search box to find the reports and select corresponding boxes.

    • To migrate all legacy reports that have not been migrated yet, select the Not yet migrated box and click the box in the table header to select all displayed items.

  4. Click Migrate.

    You can check the progress in the status bar at the bottom of the tool. Successfully migrated reports are marked with a green checkmark.

    If a report was not migrated, the corresponding icon stays gray. Check the log file for more details. By default, the log file is stored at C:\ProgramData\SolarWinds\Logs\Orion\Solarwinds.ReportMigrationTool.log.

  5. Adjust the report limitation category to specify who can access the report in the SolarWinds Platform Web Console.

    The migrated report is now available only to administrators. It is in the No Reports category and its creator is the admin user.

    1. Log in to the SolarWinds Platform Web Console, click Reports > All Reports, and then click Manage Reports.
    2. Find the migrated report, select it, and click Edit Report.
    3. In the Edit Report wizard, go to the Report Properties tab, expand Report Limitations, and select the appropriate Report Limitation Category.
      • To make the report accessible for most users, use the Default limitation.
      • To make the report accessible only for specific users, select the limitation category the users have access to. See Define what users can see and do for more details.
    4. Complete the wizard. The report is now available for users who have the selected category assigned in their user account.
  6. If your legacy reports run on a schedule, replace legacy reports with their migrated counterparts in the Report Schedule.

    1. Log in to the SolarWinds Platform Web Console, click Reports > All Reports > Manage Reports and click Schedule Manager.

    2. Find the schedule used by legacy reports, select it, and click Edit Schedule.

      To identify schedules with legacy reports, navigate back to Report Manager page, group the table by 'Report Writer' as Report Origin and examine the Schedule Assigned column. Click on schedule's name to edit it.

    3. In the Edit Report Schedule wizard, on the Properties tab, remove the legacy reports from the Reports assigned section and add the migrated reports

    4. Complete the wizard. The Schedule now runs the migrated version of the report.

  7. If you have any Report from Orion Report Writer widgets on your views, replace the widgets with Custom Table\Chart widgets.

  8. Delete the old legacy reports when they are replaced by their migrated counterparts (in schedules and widgets).

    On the SolarWinds Platform server, navigate to the Reports folder in the Orion Installation folder and remove the obsolete legacy reports.

    Default path to the Reports folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\SolarWinds\Orion\Reports

Migrate failing custom SQL reports with the datetime2 error

Starting with Orion Platform 2020.2.5, you can follow these steps to migrate legacy reports with the datetime2 error.

  1. Log in to the server hosting your main polling engine.

  2. Open the LegacyReportMigration.exe.config file and set the CustomSQLEvaluation option to "true".

  3. If the report uses non-default date column, extend then DateTimeColumns setting.

    For example, "DateTime,EventTime".

  4. If the date column is wrapped by "[" and "]" within the SQL query, add "\" before the square bracket "[" or "]".

    Example: <add key="DateTimeColumns" value="DateTime,\[DateTime\],\[MyTime\],\[TimeOfMyLife\],\[NoTime\]"

  5. Start the Legacy Migration Tool and migrate the report.