Documentation forSolarWinds Platform Self-Hosted

Report Writer General Options tab (deprecated SolarWinds Platform feature)

This topic applies to all SolarWinds Platform Self-Hosted products except for the following products:


In Orion Platform 2020.2.6, the Report Writer tool is removed from the SolarWinds Platform. Migrate the reports to the web and use the web-based reports.

The General tab is displayed by default, showing titling and display options.

  1. Specify the Report Group, Report Title, Subtitle, and Description.

    If you use an existing report group name, the new report is added to that existing group in the left pane of the main window.

  2. Select the display Orientation of your report.
  3. If you are configuring a historical report and you do not want to group data by days, clear Group historical data by days.

    By default, data in some availability and historical reports is grouped by days when displayed in the SolarWinds Platform Web Console. Data grouping by days is not viewable in Report Viewer.

  4. If you do not want to make this report available on your SolarWinds Platform Web Console, clear Make this Report available from the Orion website.

    By default, most reports are made available for display in the SolarWinds Platform Web Console.