Chassis Details page
The Chassis Details - Summary page displays information about a UCS chassis, including status, components, and related servers. A status icon appears next to the page title, followed by the chassis name and the IP address of the parent controller.
There are several ways to access this page, including:
- On the Orion Summary Home page, in the All Nodes widget, expand the Cisco category and click the IP address of a UCS controller. Then click the Hardware subview icon in the left menu on the controller's Node Details page. In the Hardware subview, click a chassis in the Overview widget.
- In the AppStack resource in SolarWinds NPM, hover over a chassis name and click Commands > Go to Details in the tooltip that appears.
- In the AppStack Environment in SolarWinds SAM, hover over a chassis name and click Commands > Go to Details in the tooltip that appears.
- Click a chassis icon on a UCS widget.
- Click a chassis icon in a Intelligent Maps subview.
This page includes the following widgets, by default:
Available actions
- Click the IP address of the controller, as displayed at the top of the page, to open the Node Details page for the controller.
- Click Customize page in the left menu to add UCS-specific widgets such as Fans and PSUs.
- Click the Map subview in the left menu to display the chassis in Intelligent Maps.