Documentation forNetwork Performance Monitor
Monitoring network performance is a key capability of SolarWinds Observability Self-Hosted (formerly Hybrid Cloud Observability) and is available in the Essentials edition. Network Performance Monitor (NPM) is also available in a standalone module.

Import UnDP pollers to NPM

You can import custom UnDP pollers exported from UnDPs installed with earlier SolarWinds Platform versions.

You cannot import device-specific MIBs into the SolarWinds MIB Database, but you can import UnDP pollers based on OIDs from device-specific MIBs. Import a poller and assign it to nodes or interfaces in your environment.

  1. Start the Universal Device Poller application, for example by clicking Start > SolarWinds Orion > Universal Device Poller.
  2. Click File > Import Universal Device Pollers.
  3. For each poller you want to import, complete the following steps:
    1. Click Open, and locate the poller.
    2. Select the poller, and click Open.
  4. Select the pollers to import from the list on the left, and click Import. Selected pollers will move to the pane on the right.
    • To select multiple pollers, hold down SHIFT or CTRL, and click the pollers you want.
    • To remove a poller from the Selected Pollers list, select the poller and click Remove.
    • To collapse all folders and see just the group names, hold down SHIFT, and then click - next to any of the group names.
  5. Click OK.
  6. To begin polling, enable the poller.
    1. Select the imported poller in the All Defined Pollers pane of the Universal Device Poller window.
    2. Click Edit Properties.
    3. Confirm that the poller Status is Enabled, and click Finish.

      If Disabled, the poller will not collect data until you enable it.

  7. Specify nodes or interfaces to be polled by the imported poller. See Select NPM nodes or interfaces to poll a custom statistic .

When the imported poller is enabled and assigned to the devices, the poller begins collecting statistics. To view the statistics, log in to the SolarWinds Platform Web Console, go to a view for the node or interface to which the poller is assigned, and consult the poller resource. See View Universal Device Poller statistics.