Documentation forNetwork Performance Monitor
Monitoring network performance is a key capability of Hybrid Cloud Observability and is also available in a standalone module, Network Performance Monitor (NPM). Hybrid Cloud Observability and NPM are built on the self-hosted SolarWinds Platform.

Customize charts in the SolarWinds Platform Web Console for the SolarWinds Platform

Use the customization options available in the chart to customize the data, layout and time frame shown by the chart.

Available customization options depend on the chart style:

As of Orion Platform 2018.4, legacy and classic charts are being deprecated. SolarWinds recommends that you use modern charts instead of legacy and classic charts.

See SolarWinds Platform Web Console and chart settings for details about global chart settings.

Modern chart customization options

Use the time options below the title.

Click Edit to customize the title or subtitle.

You can also display/hide statistical lines, such as trend or 95th percentile line.

If there is the Open in PerfStack button, you can display the metric in a Performance Analysis Dashboard.

Classic chart customization options

Click the zoom buttons to zoom in/out the chart.

Use the slider below the chart to zoom in/out.

Click Export to go to the Custom Chart page.

Click Edit to change the following settings:

Titles and subtitles

You can customize the title and subtitle for the resource and for the chart.

To change the chart labels, click Advanced, and enter a text or variable that displays as the chart title or subtitle.

The default for the chart subtitle is ${ZoomRange], which shows the selected zoom range.

Other options depend on the chart type.

Calculated series: Show a trend line

Select the box to display a trend line on the graph. This shows potential future results as extrapolated from collected historical data.

The trend lines are intended only as approximate predictions of future data.

Calculated series: Show the sum of all data series

Select the box if you want to display the sum of all data series in the form of stacked bars or lines.

Calculated Series: Show the 95th percentile line

Select the box to show the 95th percentile line. This is a well-known statistical standard used to discard maximum spikes, based on 5 minute data samples. The calculation gathers these values every 5 minutes for however long you select, throwing away the top 5% so as to yield the 95th percentile value. See 95th Percentile Calculations in the SolarWinds Platform.

Maximum Number of Items to Display:

Enter the highest number of items you want to display in this chart.

Time periods: Default zoom range

Select the default range of data to be displayed from the drop-down list.

Time periods: Amount of historical data to load

Select the amount of historical data to load from the drop-down list.

Time periods: Sample interval

Select the sample interval to be used from the drop-down list. Each sample interval is represented on a chart by a single point or bar. Data within a selected sample interval is summarized automatically.

Legacy chart customization options

Legacy charts are not interactive. You can only change the time frame or do the edits on Custom Chart page.

Legacy charts customization options are available as a drop-down menu with the following options:

  • View chart data over the Last 7 Days or over the Last 30 Days.
  • Select Edit Chart or click on the chart to open the chart in a new tab as the Custom Chart page.
  • View Chart Data as an HTML format document.
  • View Chart Data in Excel to see chart data in an Excel™‑compatible format.

Custom Chart page: customization common for legacy and classic charts

Available from legacy and classic charts.

To access the Custom Chart page:

  • Click Export on a classic chart.
  • Click the chart.
  • Select Edit Chart in the drop-down menu (legacy chart).

The Custom Chart page opens in a new tab. Change the chart settings and click Refresh to see the changes applied in the same tab.

Title, Subtitle, Subtitle #2

Enter a title and optional subtitles to be displayed above the chart.

Time Period: Select a Time Period

Select the time period that you want the chart to cover.

Alternatively, you can enter a specific time period for the chart.

Time Period: Beginning Date/Time

Enter the start date and time for the chart in one of the formats shown. If you do not enter a time, this will default to 12:00:00 AM.

Time Period: Ending Date/Time

Enter the end date and time for the chart in one of the formats shown. If you do not enter a time, this will default to 12:00:00 AM.

Sample Interval

Select the sample interval. Each sample interval is represented on a chart by a single point or bar. Data within a selected sample interval is summarized automatically.

Chart Size: Width

Enter a custom width, in pixels, for this chart. The default is 640.

Chart Size: Height

Enter a custom height, in pixels, for this chart. Enter 0 to maintain the original width/height ratio.

Font Size

Select the font size for the chart from the drop-down list.

Trend Line: Show Trend

Select the box to display a trend line on the graph. This shows potential future results as extrapolated from collected historical data.

Due to the broad array of factors that can affect the performance of devices, trend lines are intended as approximate predictions of future data only.

Display Chart Data: Raw Data

Click to display or save the data being used in this report as an xls file.

Display Chart Data: Chart Data

Click to display the data in this report as a HTML table in the web browser.