Documentation forKiwi Syslog Server

Add an action to log to the NT event log — Legacy

This snippet is used for legacy 9.8.3 topics that link to a KSS NG topic of the same name.

This feature is available only in the licensed edition of legacy Kiwi Syslog Server.

You can add an action to log messages to the NT application event log.

When you view the NT event log with the NT event log viewer, the log type is set to show System events by default. To show Application events, select the Application item in the Log menu of the NT Event viewer.

  1. From the Kiwi Syslog Service Manager, choose File > Setup.
  2. Add a rule, or locate an existing rule.
  3. Right-click Actions below the rule, and choose Add Action.
  4. Replace the default name with a descriptive name.
  5. From the Action menu, select Log to NT event log.

  6. Specify the following options.

    Event log message type Logging level to be used for messages logged to the NT event log by this action.
    Insertion string options

    How messages are inserted into the Event Log:

    • Single insertion string

      %1 is replaced with: Date – Tab – Time – Priority – Tab – Hostname – Tab – Message

    • 5 Tab delimited insertion strings

      %1 Tab %2 Tab %3 Tab %4 Tab %5

      • %1 = Date
      • %2 = Time
      • %3 = Priority
      • %4 = Hostname
      • %5 = Message
    • 5 Space delimited insertion strings

      %1 Space %2 Space %3 Space %4 Space %5

      • %1 = Date
      • %2 = Time
      • %3 = Priority
      • %4 = Hostname
      • %5 = Message
  7. Test the action.
  8. Click Apply.