Documentation forIpMonitor
Effective December 31, 2024, IpMonitor has reached its end of life and is no longer available or supported. If you liked IpMonitor, consider trying another SolarWinds product.

Scan your network and select your monitors

After you install ipMonitor, the configuration program automatically runs in First Run mode. This mode runs only once, automatically providing default parameters and requiring you to configure an ipMonitor administrator account.

During the initial configuration process, you can set up the following default monitors to begin testing your system resources:

  • CPU usage monitor
  • Memory usage monitor
  • Drive space monitor

A monitor is a unit of information (such as CPU usage) that is collected from a machine. They verify that a resource on a device is operating within a predetermined range. Depending on your ipMonitor license, you can configure up to 2500 monitors in the application. You can set up one or more monitors for each machine in your network.

During the First Run mode, the Choose Discovery Option window displays. Here, you can choose a discovery option that locates and selects the hardware and software components you want to monitor.

Express Discovery is the recommended option. This option scans your network using a wizard and selects the correct monitors for your selected hardware and software components.

By default, ipMonitor uses several common monitors, listed below by category.

Category Monitor
System Resources

CPU Usage



Drive Space







Windows Performance Counters

Exchange Server Performance Counters

SQL Server Performance Counters

Active Directory

The following procedure provides an example of scanning your network using the Express Discovery option.

  1. Ensure that the ports for your targeted monitors are open on the host server.

    See the System Requirements for the monitor port requirements.

  2. Locate and record the IP address range for all hardware and software components you want to monitor.
  3. Select Express Discovery, and click Next.

  4. Select the system resources, availability, and applications you want to monitor, and then click Next.

    Consider adding monitors only to active resources in your network. This will help you economize your monitors so they are not allocated to unused or rarely-used resources. Depending on your license tier, you can allocate between 500 and 2500 monitors to your network resources.

  5. Enter an IP address range to scan for devices, and click Next.

    The scan may take several minutes to complete. SolarWinds recommends that you select only a small IP address range of 100 addresses or fewer for your initial scan.

  6. Enter the network credentials you want to use for discovering Windows network resources. Otherwise, click Next.

    1. Click New Credential to launch the Credentials wizard.
    2. Enter a name for the credential, and then click Next.
    3. Enter the details of your Windows network credential, and then click Next.
    4. Click Credential may only be used by my Account, and then click Next.
    5. Click Finish, and then click Apply.
  7. If you have SNMP community strings that you want to use for discovering SNMP devices and resources, complete the following procedure. Otherwise, click Next and go to step 9.
    1. In the SNMP Credential text box, enter the SNMP community string.
    2. If you want to specify additional SNMP community strings, click Add SNMP Community.
  8. Enter the email address of the administrator who receives alerts from your devices and monitors.

  9. Click Next.

    The device scan begins.

    The ipMonitor console displays with message in the console.

    This process may take several minutes to complete.

    When the scan is completed, the message changes to Scan Finished.

  10. Click View Scan Results.

    The Scan Complete page displays with the results of your scan. The following screen shows an example of a scan result.

    Click Dashboard in the toolbar to return to the dashboard.

Scan your network at a later date

If you add additional software and hardware components in your network, you can rescan your network as needed.

  1. Log in to the ipMonitor Web Interface as an administrator.
  2. In the toolbar, click Devices.
  3. Click the Discovery drop-down menu and select Express Scan.

  4. Complete the wizard to add additional monitors to your network components.