Documentation forIpMonitor
Effective December 31, 2024, IpMonitor has reached its end of life and is no longer available or supported. If you liked IpMonitor, consider trying another SolarWinds product.

ipMonitor licensing

When you log in to ipMonitor and scan your network, the Discovery Engine pulls in all of your devices and performs some out-of-the-box decisions about what types of monitors to attach to each device. It bases its decisions by polling the device for management protocols (such as WMI and SNMP). After it scans those management protocols, it figures out what is running on the device and attaches monitors to those components.

SolarWinds licenses ipMonitor based on the number of monitors you attach to your network components. During the 14-day evaluation period, you can create up to 50 monitors. When the evaluation period expires, your configuration settings are saved, and the application prompts you for a license key to continue. To continue using the application, purchase and activate a license based on the number of monitors you need.

License tiers

SolarWinds offers three license tiers for ipMonitor 11.2:

  • 500 monitors
  • 1,000 monitors
  • 2,500 monitors

After you purchase an ipMonitor license, you can activate the license. If you are moving ipMonitor to another server, be sure you deactivate the license before you reinstall the software on the new server.

License Manager

If you are running ipMonitor 10 or later, you can use the SolarWinds License Manager to manage your license.

Using this tool, you can:

  • Migrate licenses from one computer to another without contacting Customer Service
  • Upgrade from one production license level to another
  • Upgrade from evaluation licenses to production licenses
  • Update or synchronize expired licenses after your maintenance renewal
  • Manage licenses for multiple SolarWinds products

To download SolarWinds License Manager, log in to the Customer Portal from your ipMonitor server click Downloads > Download Product, and then search for and download License Manager.

See the Orion Platform Administrator Guide for details about activating licenses with the web-based License Manager.

License Manager must be installed on the host computer with the time correctly set to its location. If the time on the computer is off 24 hours in either direction from Greenwich Mean Time, you will not be able to reset your license. Time zone settings do not affect and do not cause this issue.

Learn more

See the following sections for more information: