Documentation forWeb Help Desk
Important security updates are available for WHD. SolarWinds recommends you upgrade to version 12.8.3 and apply WHD 12.8.3 Hotfix 2.

Database migration options

If you choose to migrate from an external or unsupported database to a PostgreSQL database, stop WHD and convert the datatypes in your old database to the data types used in the new database. Convert the data types before you migrate your data.

See Database datatypes for the database data types used in previously and currently supported WHD databases.

For information about migrating from an external or unsupported database to a PostgreSQL database, see the PostgreSQL Wiki website located at:

Migration support

SolarWinds does not provide support, tools, or assistance with database migration. For information about migrating your external or unsupported databases using a third-party tool (such as pgAdmin3 or PostgreSQL Data Wizard), contact the tool vendor for assistance.

You can back up your PostgreSQL database using the command line in WHD or the WHD Administrator Console. If a Backup Failed error displays, see this KB article to resolve the issue.

Run WHD on embedded and external Java

WHD for macOS includes an embedded Java Virtual Machine (JVM). If you are running an external Oracle JVM, WHD preserves your Java settings during the installation procedure and continues using the external Oracle JVM.

If you are migrating from an external JVM to the embedded JVM included with WHD and you are using a MySQL database, ensure that the new embedded Java directory on your WHD server includes an Oracle Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) driver.

Migrate from MySQL to SQL Server

  1. Download the SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) from the Microsoft website at com.
  2. Stop WHD.
  3. Map identical database types located in MySQL and SQL Server (such as DATETIME) using SSMA.

    See the instructions included with the software for more information.

  4. Map inconsistent database types (such as DECIMAL in MySQL and money in SQL Server) manually using database mapping tables.

    See Database datatypes for a complete list of current and previous WHD database data types that include MySQL and SQL Server. SolarWinds recommends converting datatypes before you begin the migration process. SSMA does not support inconsistent datatypes.

  5. Start WHD.
  6. Change your database settings to connect WHD to your new SQL Server database.
  7. Continue the upgrade to the latest version.

SolarWinds does not provide support, tools, or assistance with database migration. For information about migrating your database using a third-party tool, contact the tool vendor for assistance.