Create time of day groups
Time of day groups are groups of hours that you associate with rules and filters to execute different actions at different times of the day. You can create as many groups as required to reflect your business needs. A well-planned set of groups provide you with versatile and responsive rules that perform the way you want and when you want.
For example, if you create time of day groups for both normal and after business hours, you can assign separate rules to each group. For normal business hours, you can create a new rule to alert your system administrator using email. For after business hours, you can assign a rule to alert a night shift administrator and automatically shut down the offending system.
SEM includes out-of-the-box group templates that are highlighted with the icon, as shown below. You can modify these templates, but they cannot be deleted.
Filter the group menu
The Modify by options In the Refined Results column filters and displays only those groups last modified by a specific role or user. For example, when you click the SolarWinds checkbox, the console displays the group templates modified by SolarWinds and included with the application.

The Last modified option filters all groups that were last modified within a specific timeframe. The default selection allows you to list all groups that were modified in the last hour. To select another timeframe, click the last modified link and select a new timeframe.
For example, you want to view all groups that were modified in the last 30 days. To select this timeframe, click the last modified link (for example, Last 1 hour) and click Last 30 days in the Quick Picks menu.
When you are finished, the console displays all groups that were last modified in the last 30 days.
If you selected a custom range for your last modified date, the selected range displays as your Last modified selection.
To search for a group name, enter a search term in the Search field, and then click to display the results in the console.
Create a group
You can create a time of day group for a specific time frame or a continuous time span. When required, you can edit,delete, or copy a time of day group.
Create a group with a specific time frame
Log in to the SEM Console as an administrator.
In the toolbar, click Configure > Time of day groups.
In the toolbar, click Create Time of day group.
In the Create time of day group grid, define the daily timeslots when the SEM Manager enables a rule or filter for the time of day group.
In the grid, click the hour when the first timeslot begins (for example. Monday at 08:00). Do not release the mouse button.
Drag the mouse arrow to the hour when this timeslot ends (for example, Monday at 12:00), and then release the mouse button.
Click the selected timeslot.
In the pop-up menu, clone the selected timeslot to additional week days that apply to this group.
When you are finished, press <Esc> to hide the pop-up menu.
(Optional) Drag the top or bottom edge of one or more timeslots to modify the time range for a specific day.
Click Next.
Enter a group name and an optional description.
For example:
Click Create.
The new time of day group is added to the Time of day group page.
Create a group with a continuous timespan
Log in to the SEM Console as an administrator.
In the toolbar, click Configure > Time of day groups.
In the toolbar, click Create Time of day group.
In the Create time of day group grid, define the 24-hour time span when the SEM Manager enables a rule or filter for the time of day group.
In the grid, click the hour when the first timeslot begins (for example. Monday at 08:00). Do not release the mouse button.
Drag the mouse arrow to the day and hour when this timeslot ends (for example, Friday at 12:00), and then release the mouse button.
Click Next.
Enter a group name and an optional description.
For example:
Click Create.
The new time of day group is added to the Time of day group page.
Edit a group
Log in to the SEM Console as an administrator.
In the toolbar, click Configure > Time of day groups.
Select the time of day group you want to edit.
In the toolbar, click Edit.
Edit the timeslots as required.
To change the timeslot for each day, drag the top or bottom timeslot edge to a new hour.
To add or remove days of the week, click a timeslot and select or deselect the targeted days of the week. When you are finished, click a timeslot to hide the pop-up menu.
Click Next.
Verify that the group name and description is correct, and then click Save.
Delete a group
Log in to the SEM Console as an administrator.
In the toolbar, click Configure > Time of day groups.
Select the time of day group you want to delete.
In the toolbar, click Delete.
Copy a group
Log in to the SEM Console as an administrator.
In the toolbar, click Configure > Time of day groups.
Select the time of day group you want to delete.
In the toolbar, click Copy.