Documentation forServer & Application Monitor
Monitoring your applications and environment is a key capability of Hybrid Cloud Observability and is also available in a standalone module, Server & Application Monitor (SAM). Hybrid Cloud Observability and SAM are built on the self-hosted SolarWinds Platform.

Most Expensive Queries

This widget provides detailed insight into the most expensive queries running on your SQL database, as monitored by AppInsight for SQL in SAM. Queries for this view can be filtered by Time, Host, Database, and Login using the filter drop-down menus at the top of the window.

The filters used here are also be applied to the Top 10 Most Expensive Queries by CPU Time widget found on the Summary tab in the Details view.

To view an entire query in the list, hover the mouse over a query, or click [+] next to the query listed to expand and view the query.

To sort data, clicking the header of a column.

This widget remains empty if polling of queries is disabled.

  • Query Text: The text shown is a preview of the full query. To view an entire query in the list, click [+] next to the query listed to expand and view the query.
  • SPID: Server Process ID of the listed query.
  • Plan Count: The number of cached query plans for the listed query. A large number might indicate a need for explicit query parameterization.
  • Executions: The number of times the listed query was executed.
  • CPU Time: The amount of time, in milliseconds, that the listed query took to complete.
  • Phys. Read: The number of physical reads. Physical reads are reads that require reading directly from disk. Physical reads are substantially slower than reading from the cache or from RAM.
  • Logical Reads: The number of times data was read from the cache.
  • Logical Writes: The number of times data was written to the cache.
  • Average Duration: The length of time it took, in milliseconds, to execute the listed query averaged by the number of executions.
  • Bytes Transferred: Number of bytes transferred during the query.
  • Login: The current login information for the listed database.
  • Host: The host for the listed database.
  • Database: The current name for the listed database. Clicking any database in the list will take you to the Database Details page.