Documentation forServer & Application Monitor
Monitoring your applications and environment is a key capability of Hybrid Cloud Observability and is also available in a standalone module, Server & Application Monitor (SAM). Hybrid Cloud Observability and SAM are built on the self-hosted SolarWinds Platform.

Managing the Real Time Process Explorer (RTPE)

The Real Time Process Explorer (RTPE) is available for WMI and SNMP monitored nodes. This feature is similar to the Processes tab found in the Windows Task Manager. The advantage of the RTPE is that you no longer need to physically, or remotely, log in to a particular computer and run the Task Manager to retrieve that machine's vital statistics. Information for both monitored and unmonitored processes is displayed directly through SAM using the RTPE.

  • Only SAM administrators can end processes as well as enable and disable the RTPE.
  • The User Name and Command Line columns are hidden by default.
  • Using the RTPE on a node monitored via ICMP, which has no working component, requires you to select Windows credentials manually. Consider promoting the selected node to SNMP or WMI to avoid this prompt.

Navigating to the RTPE

The Real-Time Process Explorer button is available in the Management widget. You can open the RTPE from the following locations:

  • On your Summary page, from the All Nodes group, click a node.
    • The Real-Time Process Explorer button will not be available on the Node Details view if Top 10 lists are hidden, or when an assigned application monitor template does not contain an SNMP Process Monitor or WMI/Windows Service Monitor.
    • Pop-ups must be enabled in your browser to view the Real Time Process Explorer.
  • On your Summary page, locate the All Applications group, and click an Application.
  • On your Summary page, locate the All Applications group, and click an Application. Click a component.

Managing the RTPE

You can complete the following processes when managing the RTPE.

Process Details
Monitoring a Process that is not being monitored From the Real-Time Process Explorer, click Start Monitoring.
Showing all Running Processes Click Show All at the bottom-left of the window.
Showing a Set Number of Running Processes Change the number in the text box next to the Show All button from 10 to a value that suits your needs.
Pausing Polling Click Pause Polling at the top-left of the window, when available.
Ending Processes

Check the processes to end and then click, End Process.

This option is only available when the RTPE is using a WMI connection.

Starting Polling
  1. Click Start Polling at the top-left of the window.

    For Windows based nodes, you can change the credentials used by clicking the Use Different Credentials button to bring up the credential library dialog box.

  2. Click Refresh to re-poll the running processes.

For more information, see Use the Real-Time Process Explorer in SAM