Documentation forServer & Application Monitor
Monitoring your applications and environment is a key capability of SolarWinds Observability Self-Hosted (formerly Hybrid Cloud Observability) and is available in the Essentials edition. Server & Application Monitor (SAM) is also available in a standalone module.

Application Summary widget reference

The following widgets can be displayed on the Application Summary page.

Active Application Alerts

This widget provides the current application‑specific alerts, including the time the alert fired, the name of the application that caused the alert, and the alert message. Click the Network Node to see the SolarWinds Node Details view. Click the Application Name to see the SAM Application Details view.

Top 10 Monitored Processes by Virtual Memory

This widget provides a list of the component monitors consuming the most virtual memory.

Top 10 Monitored Processes by CPU Load

This widget provides a list of the component monitors consuming the most CPU.

Top 10 Monitored Processes by I/O Reads/Sec

This widget displays the total number of I/O Read operations per second.


  • Process Name: Displays the name of the listed process. Click a process in the list to display the Component Details page for that process.
  • Application Name: Displays the name of the listed application that contains the listed process. Click an application in the list to display the Application Details view for that application.
  • Network Node: Displays the name of the listed node that contains the listed application and process. Click a node in the list to display the Node Details view for that node.
  • IO Reads: Displays the current rate of Input/Output reads.

Click Edit to change the Title, Sub-Title, and Maximum Number of Monitors to Display.

Hover the mouse over any part of this widget to reveal a tooltip with detailed information about the item listed.

Top 10 Monitored Processes by Physical Memory

This widget provides a list of the component monitors consuming the most physical memory.

Top 10 Monitored Processes by I/O Total Operations/Sec

This widget displays the total number of I/O operations per second.


  • Process Name: Displays the name of the listed process. Click a process in the list to display the Component Details page for that process.
  • Application Name: Displays the name of the listed application that contains the listed process. Click an application in the list to display the Application Details view for that application.
  • Network Node: Displays the name of the listed node that contains the listed application and process. Click a node in the list to display the Node Details view for that node.
  • Total IOPS: Displays the current rate of Input/Output.

Click Edit to change the Title, Sub-Title, and Maximum Number of Monitors to Display.

Hover the mouse over any part of this widget to reveal a tooltip with detailed information about the item listed.

Top 10 Components Monitored by Response Time

This widget provides a list of the component monitors with the slowest response time.

Top 10 Monitored Processes by I/O Writes/Sec

This widget displays the total number of I/O Write operations per second.


  • Process Name: Displays the name of the listed process. Click a process in the list to display the Component Details page for that process.
  • Application Name: Displays the name of the listed application that contains the listed process. Click an application in the list to display the Application Details view for that application.
  • Network Node: Displays the name of the listed node that contains the listed application and process. Click a node in the list to display the Node Details view for that node.
  • IO Writes: Displays the current rate of Input/Output writes.

Click Edit to change the Title, Sub-Title, and Maximum Number of Monitors to Display.

Hover the mouse over any part of the widget to reveal a tooltip with detailed information about the item listed.

Last 25 Application Events

This widget provides a list of application-centric events from the time period you specify. The default time period shows the last 25 application events. Click Edit to change the time period, limiting the events displayed in the widget.

Application Health Overview

This widget provides a status overview of all your assigned application monitors. Click a status to list the assigned application monitors in that status.

The following statuses are depicted on the Application Health Overview:

Status Description
Application Up Assigned application monitors with all component monitors responding and operating within their thresholds.
Application Critical Assigned application monitors with at least one component monitor operating past the critical threshold.
Application Down Assigned application monitors with at least one unresponsive component monitor.
Application Warning Assigned application monitors with at least one component monitor operating past the warning threshold.
Other Assigned application monitors that are suspended due to licensing restrictions.
Unknown Assigned application monitors with status that cannot yet be determined.

Applications with Problems

This widget lists the assigned application monitors reporting any status other than up.

Server Warranty Summary

If you set up third-party software on supported servers and enable the Asset Inventory feature for nodes, this widget displays warranties that already expired or will soon expire on the current node, as collected when SAM checks the status of each server's warranty against Dell, HP, and IBM's online warranty validation servers.

Click a node in the summary list to display Node Details view for that node.

To determine if warranties are close to expiring, examine dates in the Expiration Date column. If a date crosses a Warning or Critical threshold, progress bars appear as yellow and red, respectively. Click Edit to customize threshold values as well as filter the warranties to display:

  • Expired Warranties: Lists nodes with expired warranties.
  • Warranties Due to Expire: Lists nodes that have warranties nearing their expiration date.
  • Next 5 Warranties Set to Expire: Lists the top five nodes with warranties nearing their expiration date.

You can also enable an optional predefined alert, "Alert me when a node warranty expires in 30 days". Click here to learn more about alerts.

THWACK Latest Application Templates

This widget lists the newest application monitor templates added to the SolarWinds online IT community, THWACK. Click a template to download it.

Disclaimer: Any custom scripts or other content posted herein are not supported under any SolarWinds support program or service. The scripts are provided AS IS without warranty of any kind. SolarWinds further disclaims all warranties including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose. The risk arising out of the use or performance of the scripts and documentation stays with you. In no event shall SolarWinds or anyone else involved in the creation, production, or delivery of the scripts be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the scripts or documentation.