Documentation forServer & Application Monitor
Monitoring your applications and environment is a key capability of SolarWinds Observability Self-Hosted (formerly Hybrid Cloud Observability) and is available in the Essentials edition. Server & Application Monitor (SAM) is also available in a standalone module.

Application Connections widget

Node Details and Application Details views display the Application Connections widget if the Application Dependencies feature detects the following types of connections during polling:

  • Application-to-application dependencies, including application processes
  • Application-to-node dependencies
  • Node-to-application dependencies

This widget does not appear automatically on cloned, customized versions of the Node Details and Application Details views, but you can add it. See Add widgets to SolarWinds Platform views.

Sample data appears in the Application Connections widget if a node does not yet host an agent with application dependency agent plugins, or if polling did not find any dependencies. See Deploy SolarWinds Platform agents to nodes with applications you want to monitor.

If Connection Quality polling is enabled, the Application Connections widget displays the following data about TCP connections:

  • Latency: Network latency (also called response time) is the time required for a packet to travel across a network path from a sender to a receiver. The higher the latency, the greater the impact on application performance as perceived by users. To troubleshoot latency issues, you can use Performance Analysis (PerfStack) dashboards.
  • Packet Loss: A percentage of packets lost with respect to packets sent, usually caused by network congestion. If this value exceeds the SolarWinds Platform general threshold, navigate to the Nodes with High Packet Loss widget to open the custom chart for the node.

Click a connection on the Application Connections widget to display the Connection Details page shows the entire communication stack from one node to another, which makes it a unique troubleshooting tool. To learn more, see Display application dependency data in SAM.