Documentation forServer & Application Monitor
Monitoring your applications and environment is a key capability of Hybrid Cloud Observability and is also available in a standalone module, Server & Application Monitor (SAM). Hybrid Cloud Observability and SAM are built on the self-hosted SolarWinds Platform.

SAM 2023.1 release notes

Release date: February 15, 2023

These release notes were last updated on May 8, 2024.

These release notes describe the new features, improvements, and fixed issues in Server & Application Monitor 2023.1. They also provide information about upgrades and describe workarounds for known issues.

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New features and improvements

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SAM 2023.1 offers new features and improvements compared to previous releases of SAM.

See also the SolarWinds Platform 2023.1 Release Notes.

Other improvements

Cloud monitoring: Availability Zone data related to the entities your are monitoring in the cloud are now stored with the entity and used for logical grouping in the Cloud Server Infrastructure widget, filtering in the Cloud Instances Status Summary widget and also in pop overs for individual entities.

New customer installation

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For information about installing Server & Application Monitor, see the SolarWinds Platform Product Installation and Upgrade Guide.

Before you upgrade!

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SAM 2020.2.1 can be upgraded from versions 2020.1 and later. If you are running a version earlier than SAM 2020.2.1, please upgrade to SAM 2020.2.6 first and then upgrade to SAM 2023.1.

How to upgrade

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Go to Settings > My Deployment to initiate the upgrade. The SolarWinds Installer upgrades your entire deployment (all SolarWinds Platform products and any scalability engines).

You must be on SAM 2020.2.1 or later to upgrade to SAM 2023.1. If you are on SAM 2020.2 or earlier, first upgrade to 2020.2.6 and then upgrade to 2023.1.

Fixed issues

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SAM 2023.1 fixes the following issues.

Case number Description

SAM 2020.2.1 no longer automatically upgrades Orion agents to .net 4.8.

00519354, 00574585, 00625367

The Component Details Widget no longer shows the <br> tag on the resource output.


The variable for warning and critical statistic threshold is now working for the Linux component.


The temp table column no longer shows the wrong data type.


The Start/Restart services buttons now work on the Component Details Widget.

SAM 2023.1 contains all of the fixed issues from the SolarWinds Platform 2023.1 release.

See the SolarWinds Platform 2023.1 Release Notes for more information.


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SolarWinds would like to thank our Security Researchers below for reporting on the issue in a responsible manner and working with our security, product, and engineering teams to fix the vulnerability.

CVE-ID Vulnerability Title Descriptions Severity Credit


Disable NTLM: SAM 2022.4 Customers who had configured their polling to occur via Kerberos did not expect NTLM Traffic on their environment, but since we were querying for data via IP address this prevented us from utilizing Kerberos. High  


Known issues

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Issue Notes

Bad Request error can appear when creating new API Poller.

As a workaround:

  1. Edit the API Poller that has a Bad request error.

  2. Click Configure.

  3. Turn off the Use custom polling interval option.

  4. Save the API Poller.

OpenJDK15 included with SAM, to connect to JBoss using JConsole with either protocol, remote+http or remoting-jmx, is resulting in errors.

Different versions of JBoss use different protocol, as shown below.

  • WildFly 8, 9, and 10 and JBoss EAP 7 use protocols: service:jmx:remote+http://ip:9990 or service:jmx:remote+https://ip:9994

  • JBoss EAP 6 and JBoss AS 7 use protocol: service:jmx:remoting-jmx://ip:9999

  • JBoss EAP 5.2 and JBoss AS 6.1 use protocol: service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://ip:1090/jmxrmi

In order for the SAM JMX Monitor to connect, copy the jboss-cli-client.jar provided by the JBoss EAP installation to a location in SolarWinds Platform. Add the path location in jsl64.ini and then restart the JMXBridge service through Orion Service Manager.

If using JConsole to connect to a remote JBoss server for testing or troubleshooting purposes, install the latest JDK version on SolarWinds Platform server that supports jconsole.jar, and make sure JConsole uses the new JDK path.

When adding Exchange 2016 node to be monitored via WMI polling method, Exchange AppInsight is not discovered and the wizard hangs.

As a workaround, complete these steps.

In the Add node Wizard:

  1. Choose ICMP polling method.

  2. Finish the wizard.

  3. Manually assign Exchange AppInsight.

  4. Choose Agent polling method.

In Network Discovery, avoid discovering Exchange 2016 nodes via WMI. Before discovery, add them as described under Add node Wizard above.

End of life notices

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Version EoL Announcement EoE Effective Date EoL Effective Date
2020.2.6 April 18, 2023: End-of-Life (EoL) announcement – Customers on SAM 2020.2.6 should begin transitioning to the latest version of SAM. May 18, 2023: End-of-Engineering (EoE) – Service releases, bug fixes, workarounds, and service packs for SAM 2020.2.6 will no longer be actively supported by SolarWinds. May 18, 2024: End-of-Life (EoL) – SolarWinds will no longer provide technical support for SAM 2020.2.6
2020.2.5 January 18, 2023: End-of-Life (EoL) announcement – Customers on SAM 2020.2.5 should begin transitioning to the latest version of SAM. February 17, 2023: End-of-Engineering (EoE) – Service releases, bug fixes, workarounds, and service packs for SAM 2020.2.5 will no longer be actively supported by SolarWinds. February 17, 2024: End-of-Life (EoL) – SolarWinds will no longer provide technical support for SAM 2020.2.5.
2020.2.4 October 19, 2022: End-of-Life (EoL) announcement – Customers on SAM 2020.2.4 should begin transitioning to the latest version of SAM. November 18, 2022: End-of-Engineering (EoE) – Service releases, bug fixes, workarounds, and service packs for SAM 2020.2.4 will no longer be actively supported by SolarWinds. November 18, 2023: End-of-Life (EoL) – SolarWinds will no longer provide technical support for SAM 2020.2.4.
2020.2.1 October 19, 2022: End-of-Life (EoL) announcement – Customers on SAM 2020.2.1 should begin transitioning to the latest version of SAM. November 18, 2022: End-of-Engineering (EoE) – Service releases, bug fixes, workarounds, and service packs for SAM 2020.2.1 will no longer be actively supported by SolarWinds. November 18, 2023: End-of-Life (EoL) – SolarWinds will no longer provide technical support for SAM 2020.2.1.
2020.2 October 19, 2022: End-of-Life (EoL) announcement – Customers on SAM 2020.2 should begin transitioning to the latest version of SAM. November 18, 2022: End-of-Engineering (EoE) – Service releases, bug fixes, workarounds, and service packs for SAM 2020.2 will no longer be actively supported by SolarWinds. November 18, 2023: End-of-Life (EoL) – SolarWinds will no longer provide technical support for SAM 2020.2.
2019.4 July 27, 2022: End-of-Life (EoL) announcement - Customers on SAM version 2019.4 should begin transitioning to the latest version of SAM.   August 26, 2022: End-of-Engineering (EoE) - Service releases, bug fixes, workarounds, and service packs for SAM version 2019.4 will no longer be actively supported by SolarWinds. August 26, 2023: End-of-Life (EoL) - SolarWinds will no longer provide technical support for SAM version 2019.4.
6.9.1 July 27, 2022: End-of-Life (EoL) announcement - Customers on SAM version 6.9.1 should begin transitioning to the latest version of SAM.   August 26, 2022: End-of-Engineering (EoE) - Service releases, bug fixes, workarounds, and service packs for SAM version 6.9.1 will no longer be actively supported by SolarWinds. August 26, 2023: End-of-Life (EoL) - SolarWinds will no longer provide technical support for SAM version 6.9.1.
6.9 July 27, 2022: End-of-Life (EoL) announcement - Customers on SAM version 6.9 should begin transitioning to the latest version of SAM.   August 26, 2022: End-of-Engineering (EoE) - Service releases, bug fixes, workarounds, and service packs for SAM version 6.9 will no longer be actively supported by SolarWinds. August 26, 2023: End-of-Life (EoL) - SolarWinds will no longer provide technical support for SAM version 6.9.

See the End of Life Policy for information about SolarWinds product life cycle phases. To see EoL dates for earlier SAM versions, see SAM release history.

Deprecation notices

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This version of Server & Application Monitor deprecates the following platforms and features.

Deprecated platforms and features are still supported in the current release. However, they will be unsupported in a future release. Plan on upgrading deprecated platforms, and avoid using deprecated features. 

Type Details
Browser support All versions of Internet Explorer will become unsupported in a future release. Some pages are not compatible with IE 11. Do not enable Enterprise Mode in IE 11. It is not supported.

Legal notices

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© 2023 SolarWinds Worldwide, LLC. All rights reserved.

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