Documentation forSolarWinds Platform Self-Hosted

Optimize modern dashboards for TV screens (NOC Views)

This topic applies to all SolarWinds Platform products.

A Network Operations Center (NOC) view provides a single page view of critical statistics that can fit on a TV screen or a mobile device. If you define multiple subviews, they rotate automatically on the screen, each subview available as a separate slide.

Headers and footers are compressed in NOC views, increasing the available space to display widgets.

Enable NOC view

  1. In the SolarWinds Platform Web Console, click Settings > Manage Dashboards and find the dashboard you want to enable the NOC view for.

  2. Click the dashboard to open it.

  3. Click the pencil icon in the top right corner to switch to edit mode.

  4. Click the vertical ellipsis and select Edit NOC View Settings.

  5. Click the slider to enable the NOC Mode.

  6. Apply your settings.

  7. Click Done editing to save the changes.

    When the changes are saved, you return back to the view. To switch to the NOC view, click Actions > Enter NOC view.

Enter and adjust NOC views

By default, the regular modern view is displayed in the web console, even when you have configured a NOC view.

Enter the NOC view

To enter the NOC view, click Actions > Enter NOC view. In the NOC view, tabs are displayed as screens and rotate at the configured frequency.

Work with NOC view

  • To freeze a screen, click the vertical ellipsis and select Pause Rotation.

  • To continue the rotation, click the vertical ellipsis and select Resume Rotation.

  • To go to a specific screen, click the corresponding circle in the top right corner.

  • To return to the modern dashboard, click the vertical ellipsis and select Exit NOC view.

Adjust the NOC view

To add screens for the rotation, enter the edit mode and configure tabs.

  1. Click the pencil icon on the dashboard.
  2. Click the vertical ellipsis and select Configure Dashboard Tabs.
  3. Add a new custom tab or an existing tab. See Configure tabs for modern dashboards

To change the frequency for tabs rotation:

  1. Click the pencil icon on the dashboard.
  2. Click the vertical ellipsis and select Edit NOC View Settings.
  3. Change the Tab Rotation and apply your changes. By default, tabs rotate every 15 seconds.

Enable dark mode for NOC views

  1. In the edit mode for your dashboard, click the vertical ellipses and select Edit NOC View Settings.

  2. Click the Dark Theme slider to enable the dark mode.

  3. Apply your settings.

  4. Click Done editing to save the changes.

The dark mode is only visible when viewing the dashboard in the NOC view.