Configure proportional widgets for modern dashboards
This topic applies to all SolarWinds Platform products.
See this video: A Step-by-Step Guide to Building Modern Dashboards on the Orion Platform ‚ SolarWinds Lab #93.
Proportional widgets display your data as pie charts, donut charts or stacked bars. You can use them on modern dashboards.
How to configure proportional widgets
- Configure the title and other labels for the widget (Presentation)
- Select chart type and legend (optional).
- Configure what should be displayed by the widget (Data and Calculations).
- Save Changes.
See Edit widgets for details on resizing widgets, changing widget position, or deleting widgets.
Step 1: Provide labels for the widget
In Presentation, expand Title and Description.
Provide the title and subtitle.
If you want to have a link with other information about the widget, provide it in the Widget link URL.
You can also provide a description that might help others to reuse the widget.
You can also set how often you want data in the widget to refresh. See Refresh rate.
To make the widget header hidden by default, select the Collapsible box. To expand the header on the widget, click the line on the top of the widget. To hide the header again, click the arrow signs.
Step 2: Define the look of the widget (optional)
By default, proportional widgets use the pie chart and the legend is on the right. You can change the look.
In Presentation, expand Chart Options.
Select what should the widget look like - pie, donut, vertical bar or horizontal bar.
Pie chart
In Legend, specify where you want the legend to be.
Step 3: Specify what should the chart display (Data and calculations)
We will use an example where the widget displays the number of monitored nodes grouped by their status.
Expand Data and Calculations.
Define the data model:
Using the graphical query builder
Select Use the graphical query builder and click Edit.
Select an entity and click Next.
- On Edit tabular data model, drag the database columns you want to see in the widget.
- Select Show advanced entities and properties.
- Search for Status.
- Drag Status to the Columns field.
- Click Save model.
The columns you select here appear in the drop-downs in Data Calculations.
Select Hand-edit a SWQL Query and click Edit.
Copy the following query into the SWQL query field and click Save model.
SELECT COUNT(NodeID) as value, Status as status FROM Orion.Nodes GROUP BY status ORDER BY value DESC
In the Value field, specify the values you want to see in the chart.
Select value. You want to see the number of nodes in individual statuses, not numbers corresponding to individual states. -
In the Category field, specify the metric you want to group the entities by.
For example, to group nodes with the same status, select 'Status' here. -
In the Data Format field, select the metric you want to convert the query result to.
To group nodes by status, select Orion Statuses.If you select Custom in the Data Format field, you need to specify Icon Mapping and Color Mapping in the query. See SWQL example with color definitions.
- Click Save Changes.