Documentation forSolarWinds Platform

Configure Trap Viewer filters and alerts (deprecated)

This SolarWinds Platform topic applies to the following products if you are NOT using the Orion Log Viewer to monitor SNMP traps.


As of SolarWinds Platform 2022.3, SNMP Trap Viewer is no longer available and the Traps view was replaced by Log Viewer. See View logs and events with the Log Viewer.

In the Trap Viewer, you can filter trap messages, and configure actions that trigger when received trap messages match defined rules.

With the exception of the asterisk (*) and underscore (_) wildcards, SolarWinds recommends against using non‑alphanumeric characters in filter definitions.

Trap rules are not applied to unmanaged nodes. For more information, see Setting Interface Management States.

  1. Click Start > All Programs > SolarWinds Orion > Trap Viewer.
  2. Click File > Settings, and click the Alerts / Filter Rules tab.
  3. Click Add Rule or click Edit Rule.
  4. Click the General tab, and select Enabled.
  5. Select the servers from the Apply This Rule To list.
  6. Apply the rule to specific messages.
    • Click DNS Hostname, and enter a DNS Hostname Pattern to apply the rule to messages from specific hosts, domains, or hostname patterns.

      The DNS Hostname Pattern rule is case‑sensitive.

    • Click Trap Details, and enter a Trap Details Pattern to apply the rule based on the Trap Details field.
    • Click Community String, and enter the patterns in the Community String Pattern field to apply the rule to specific community strings.
  7. Click Conditions to define the what triggers the rule.
    • Select object identifiers and comparison functions from the linked context menus.
    • Click Browse (…) to insert conditions.
  8. Click Time of Day > Enable Time of Day Checking to apply the rule during a specific period of time.

    Messages received outside the specified time frame will not trigger alerts.

    Enabling Time of Day checking creates more overhead for the CPU.

  9. Click Trigger Threshold > Define a Trigger Threshold for this Rule to suppress alert actions until a specified number of traps arrive that match the rule.

    When Suspend Further Alert Actions For is selected, alert actions are not sent until the specified amount of time has expired. When the time period expires, only new alerts are sent. All alerts that are suppressed during the time period will never be sent.

  10. Click Alert Actions.
  11. Use the arrow buttons to set the order in which actions are performed.

    Actions are processed in the order they appear, from top to bottom.

  12. Click OK to save all changes and return to Trap Viewer Settings.
  13. Use the arrow buttons to arrange the order in which the rules are applied.

    Rules are processed in the order they appear, from top to bottom.

Trap messages are now filtered by the rules and alert actions are triggered when the rule conditions are met.