Documentation forSolarWinds Platform Self-Hosted

AWS cloud metric reference

This topic applies only to the following products:

SolarWinds Observability Self-Hosted


The following table details the AWS metrics available for instances using cloud monitoring.

These terms are included in the table:

  • Amazon Machine Image (AMI) provides information required to launch an instance.
  • Amazon Resource Name (ARN) is a format to identify resources in AWS.
  • Key Management Service (KMS) is a managed service to create and control data encryption keys.
Metric Description
Instance AWS EC2 instance
Instance Name User-friendly name for the AWS EC2 instance.
Region The region where an instance is located. Regions are divided into Availability Zones to protect instances from failures in other Availability Zones.
Auto-Scaling Group The group an instance belongs to that is used to calculate the number of Amazon EC2 instances available to handle the load for an application.
Status Calculated value of Up/ Down.
State Instance state reported by AWS: Up/Down.
Platform The OS platform, such as Windows. This is not returned for all platform types.
Architecture CPU architecture type. Currently AWS supports two CPU architecture types, "i386" and "x86_64".
Public DNS Name

The public hostname of the instance that resolves to the instance's public or Elastic IP address.


Private DNS Name

The internal hostname of the instance that resolves to the instance's private IP address.


Subnet ID

The range of IP addresses in a virtual private cloud (VPC) that the instance was launched into, if applicable. Click here to learn more about VPCs and subnets.

Source/Destination Check

Indicates if source/destination checks are being performed on an instance to determine if it sends/receives traffic.

Instance ID The ID for the cloud instance.
Instance Type

The type of instance determines your instance’s CPU capacity, memory, and storage (for example, m1.small or c1.xlarge). See the AWS Instance Types page for full details.

Instance Creation Date The time the instance launched.
Image ID

An encrypted machine image stored in Amazon Elastic Block Store or Amazon Simple Storage Service. An Amazon Machine Image (AMI) acts as a template of a computer's root drive. It contains the OS and can also include software and layers of your application such as database servers, middleware, and web servers.

Example: ami-3231adad

AMI Launch Index

A number indicating the order in which the instance was launched. The first or only instance has an index of 0.

Last Poll The time when the instance was last polled by SolarWinds Platform.
Next Poll The time when the instance will be polled again by SolarWinds Platform.

The level of CloudWatch monitoring that is enabled for this instance: Basic/Detailed

RAM disk ID

The RAM disk associated with the image, if one was specified.

Example: ari-7d0d2509

Kernel ID The OS kernel associated with the AMI.
Root Device type The root device type used by the AMI. The AMI can use an Amazon EBS or instance store root device.
Root Device Name The ID of the system device contains the boot volume.
EBS optimized Indicates if additional, dedicated throughput between Amazon EC2 and Amazon EBS was enabled for the instance.
Tenancy Type of tenancy: Dedicated/Default. If dedicated, the instance is running on single-tenant, dedicated hardware.
IAM role

The IAM roles (for example: s3acces) associated with the instance, if applicable.

Owner The AWS account number of the AMI owner, without dashes.
Security Groups The security groups to which the instance belongs. A security group is a collection of firewall rules that restrict the network traffic for the instance.

The ID of the virtual private cloud (VPC) the instance was launched into, if applicable. A VPC is an isolated portion of the AWS cloud.

For example: vpc-c46c9ea1

KeyPair name The name of the key pair, if this instance was launched with an associated KeyPair.
Placement Group If the cloud instance is a cluster instance, this is the cluster group to which the instance belongs.
Virtualization The type of virtual machine running: paravirtual/hvm.
Reservation The reservation ID used to launch the instance.
State Transition Reason The reason for the change of instance state. For example, if the instance was terminated, the reason might be ‘User initiated shutdown’.
Public IP address Public Internet routable IP address of the instance
Private IP address The private IP address of the instance. Multiple IP addresses are listed if there is more than one network interface to the instance.
Secondary Private IP address Any secondary private IP addresses assigned to a network interface attached to the instance.
Elastic IP address The Elastic IP address assigned to the instance, if applicable. Elastic IP addresses are static IP addresses assigned to your account that you can quickly remap to other instances.
CPU utilization The percentage of allocated EC2 compute units that are currently in use on the instance. This metric identifies the processing power required to run an application upon a selected instance.
Disk Read Ops Completed write operations to all ephemeral disks available to the instance in a specified period of time. This metrics requires EBA volumes.
Disk WriterOps Completed write operations from all ephemeral disks available to the instance. This metrics requires EBA volumes.
DiskReadBytes Bytes read from all ephemeral disks available to the instance. This metrics requires EBA volumes.
DiskWriteBytes Bytes written to all ephemeral disks available to the instance. This metrics requires EBA volumes.
NetworkIn The number of bytes received on all network interfaces by the instance. This metric identifies the volume of incoming network traffic to an application on a single instance.
NetworkOut The number of bytes sent out on all network interfaces by the instance. This metric identifies the volume of outgoing network traffic to an application on a single instance.

The following table details the AWS metrics available for monitored volumes.

Metric Description
Volume ID A unique identifier for the cloud volume.
Volume Type Indicates whether the volume is a standard (Magnetic), gp2 (General Purpose (SSD)) or io1 (Provisioned IOPS (SSD))
Size The capacity of the Amazon EBS volume in GiB. Note that 1 GiB = 1024^3 bytes, whereas 1 GB = 1000^3 bytes.
State The current state of the volume. For example: Creating/Available/In-Use/Deleting/Error
Region The Availability Zone where the volume is located
Throughput Percentage

Only used with Provisioned IOPS volumes. The percentage of I/O operations per second (IOPS) delivered of the total IOPS provisioned for an Amazon EBS volume. Provisioned IOPS (SSD) volumes deliver within 10 percent of the provisioned IOPS performance 99.9 percent of the time over a given year.

Read Bandwidth (KB/S) Sum(VolumeReadBytes) / Period / 1024
Write Bandwidth (KB/S) Sum(VolumeWriteBytes) / Period / 1024
Read Throughput IOPS Sum(VolumeReadOps) / Period
Write Throughput IOPS Sum(VolumeWriteOps) / Period
Average Queue Length The number of read and write operation requests waiting to be completed in a specified period of time.
Average Read Size The total number of bytes read in a specified period of time.
Average Write Size The total number of bytes written in a specified period of time.
Average Read Latency The total number of seconds spent by all operations that completed in a specified period of time. If multiple requests are submitted at the same time, this total could be greater than the length of the period. For example, for a period of 5 minutes (300 seconds): if 700 operations completed during that period, and each operation took 1 second, the value would be 700 seconds.
Average Write Latency The total number of seconds spent by all operations that completed in a specified period of time. If multiple requests are submitted at the same time, this total could be greater than the length of the period. For example, for a period of 5 minutes (300 seconds): if 700 operations completed during that period, and each operation took 1 second, the value would be 700 seconds.
Consumed R/W IOPS Used with Provisioned IOPS (SSD) volumes only. The total amount of read and write operations (normalized to 256K capacity units) consumed in a specified period of time. I/O operations that are smaller than 256K each count as 1 consumed IOPS. I/O operations that are larger than 256K are counted in 256K capacity units. For example, a 1024K I/O would count as 4 consumed IOPS.