Documentation forSolarWinds Platform Self-Hosted

Add Node - Change Properties

This page offers the same identification and SNMP options that are available on the Add Node – Define Node page. For more information about these options, see Add Node - Define Node.

In the Polling area, you can set intervals for node status polling and statistics collection. The Node Status Polling interval is the period, in seconds, between the status checks on the added node. The Collect Statistics Every field provides the interval, in minutes, on which performance statistics are determined for the added node.

Default intervals for node status polling and statistics collection are 120 seconds and 10 minutes, respectively.

If you have defined custom node properties, you can define the appropriate property values for the added node in the Custom Properties area of this page.

For more information about custom properties, see Custom properties in the SolarWinds Platform.

After you have defined all available settings and properties for the added node, click OK, Add Node to add the node to your SolarWinds Platform database. The node you have added is displayed in all node lists within both the Orion System Manager and the SolarWinds Platform Web Console.