NetFlow Endpoints Summary
Endpoint Details
The Endpoint Details widget provides the following information about a selected endpoint:
- IP address
- Hostname
- IP address group
- Domain
- Country
- Total traffic transmitted
- Total traffic received
Top 25 Conversation Endpoints
This widget provides a list of the endpoints with which the currently viewed endpoint has transferred the most data. For each conversation, this widget reports the amount of data transferred in the conversation and the percentage the listed conversation represents of the total data transferred by the viewed endpoint. Clicking an endpoint opens the NetFlow Endpoint view for the selected endpoint. All other links for a listed endpoint open the NetFlow Conversation view for the conversation between the viewed and selected endpoints. For more information, see NetFlow Conversations Summary.
Total Packets Transferred
The Total Packets Transferred widget displays a chart displaying the total number of packets both transmitted from the viewed endpoint and received by the viewed endpoint over a specified period of time.
Total Bytes Transferred
The Total Bytes Transferred widget displays a chart detailing the total number of bytes both transmitted from the viewed endpoint and received by the viewed endpoint, over a specified period of time.
Top 5 Protocols
The Top 5 Protocols widget provides an at‑a‑glance view of the traffic protocols that the selected endpoint uses most. The table below the chart provides the protocol type, the amount of data, the total number of packets, and the percentage of all traffic that has been using each listed protocol.
Top 5 Applications
The Top 5 Applications widget provides a quick view of the applications used most by the selected endpoint. The table below the chart provides the application name, the amount of data that is flowing, the equivalent total number of packets, and the percentage of all traffic that is traceable to use of the listed application by the selected endpoint. Clicking an application opens the NetFlow Application view. For more information, see NetFlow Applications Summary.
Top 5 Traffic Sources by Country
The Top 5 Traffic Sources by Country widget provides an at‑a‑glance view, in the form of a chart, of the countries where traffic to the selected endpoint originates, ranked by percentage of total traffic to the selected endpoint. The table below the chart provides the name of the country sourcing traffic to the viewed endpoint, the amount of traffic routed to the endpoint from the listed country, and the percentage of all traffic routed to the viewed endpoint that is traceable to the listed country.
Top 5 Traffic Destinations by Country
The Top 5 Traffic Destinations by Country widget provides a chart and table of the countries hosting destinations of traffic from the selected endpoint, ranked by percentage of total traffic from the selected endpoint. The table below the chart provides the name of the country to which traffic is routed, the amount of traffic routed to servers in the listed country, and the percentage of all routed traffic from the viewed endpoint that is routed to servers in the listed country.
Unique Visitors
The Unique Visitors widget provides a chart of unique IP addresses that have communicated with the viewed endpoint over a specified period of time.
Top 5 Traffic Destinations by Domain
The Top 5 Traffic Destinations by Domain widget provides a chart and table of the domains hosting destinations of traffic from the selected endpoint, ranked by percentage of total traffic from the selected endpoint. The table below the chart provides the name of the domain to which traffic is routed, the amount of traffic routed to servers in the listed domain, and the percentage of all routed traffic from the viewed endpoint that is routed to servers in the listed domain.
Top 5 Traffic Sources by Domain
The Top 5 Traffic Sources by Domain widget provides a chart and table of the domains hosting sources of traffic from the selected endpoint, ranked by percentage of total traffic from the selected endpoint. The table below the chart provides the name of the domain to which traffic is routed, the amount of traffic routed to servers in the listed domain, and the percentage of all routed traffic from the viewed endpoint that is routed to servers in the listed domain.
Top 5 IP Group Conversations
The Top 5 IP Groups Conversations widget provides a chart and table of the conversations generating traffic from the selected endpoint, ranked by percentage of total traffic. The table below the chart provides the name of the IP Group to which traffic is routed, the amount of traffic routed to servers in the listed IP Group, and the percentage of all routed traffic from the viewed endpoint that is routed to servers in the listed IP Group.
Top 5 Types of Service
The Top 5 Types of Service widget provides a quick view of the services most actively employed by the selected endpoint. The table below the chart provides the type of service, the amount of traffic in bytes and packets that is handled by the service, and the percentage of all serviced traffic to the selected endpoint that is handled by the selected type of service.
For more information about service type monitoring in NTA, see Configuring NetFlow Types of Service in the SolarWinds NetFlow Traffic Analyzer Administrator Guide.